Interesting and Humour - page 3602


"The young innocent males were divided into three groups. Young females were placed in one group, adult females in another, and none were placed in the third. For four days the groups were monitored, and on the fifth day a portion of food with 15% alcohol was added to the normal diet."

  • "In the first group, the flies were exclusively interested in each other three times a day for all four days. They didn't even notice the addition of alcohol to their diet."
  • "The adult females had no craving for sex and stubbornly rejected all the young's advances. On the fifth day, the rejected males drank twice their body weight in alcohol."
  • "In the third group, the males were also somehow uncomfortable. But they didn't suffer as much."

Taken from:Rejected flies find solace in alcohol

Отвергнутые мухи находят утешение в алкоголе
Отвергнутые мухи находят утешение в алкоголе
Сотрудники научного центра Виргинии, США, подвергли самцов мух жестокому испытанию. Они решили проверить, как влияют отношение между мушиных полов на тягу к алкоголю. Играя на неокрепших чувствах юных самцов, учёные выявили несколько закономерностей.Дизайн исследования. Молодых невинных самцов разделили на три группы. В одну группу подселили...

Artist Nikolai Kopeikin (on Facebook here, on Wikipedia here)

This is our contemporary. Born in Russia, he studied at Harvard, lives and works in St. Petersburg.
His works are in the collections of the Tretyakov Gallery and the State Russian Museum, and a brief description of his work can be found in the words of his fans on Facebook: "Disgusting pictures!

Dimon sitting:

Metalworkers and the computer:

No Wedding:

Hail to the work!

His work + exhibitions - see here.


There is a Facebook page for emerging artists, both little-known and not-so-famous. There are, of course, works by some of our more venerable contemporaries, such as Gleb Golubetsky. But mostly young artists (and photographers) from all over the world (lyrics, humor, etc.).
Page (if anyone is interested - here).


A Mexican 'coat of arms' in Mexico on the US border:


How to install Ubuntu alongside Windows

Как установить Ubuntu рядом с Windows
Как установить Ubuntu рядом с Windows
  • 2016.06.06
  • Андрей Киреев
Прежде, решиться на установку Ubuntu в качестве второй системы, протестируйте восстановление ОС Windows, чтобы, если что-то пойдет не так, не обнаружить непригодность резервных копий. Причина столь больших усилий: при параллельной установке Ubuntu к Windows могут возникнуть проблемы, связанные не только с системой Linux. К примеру, сложности...
Искусственный интеллект научился плагиату программного кода
Искусственный интеллект научился плагиату программного кода
  • 2017.02.25
  • Василий Сычев
Исследователи из Кембриджского университета и компании Microsoft, используя машинное обучение, разработали программу, которая способна создавать другие программы, заимствуя код. Ознакомиться с работой ученых можно здесь, а ее краткое изложение приводит New Scientist. Для работы новой программе, получившей название DeepCoder, нужны лишь входные...
Топовый процессор линейки AMD Ryzen 7 установил новый мировой рекорд
Топовый процессор линейки AMD Ryzen 7 установил новый мировой рекорд
  • 2017.02.25
  • Сергей Грэй
22 февраля в Сан-Франциско компания AMD официально представила свои новые процессоры Ryzen, а также открыла предзаказы на линейку Ryzen 7, включающую три модели. Процессоры, созданные на основе архитектуры Zen, над которой так долго трудились инженеры AMD, содержат в себе по 8 ядер и работают на частотах от 3 до 4 ГГц. Особенно новые процессоры...
Server Muradasilov:
>>>The 1800X is priced at $499, while the Core i7 6900K is priced at over $1000.

I remember some shaggy year.
One company bought some decent amount of machines with AMD processors.
A problem appeared:
- In one case when one important for the company program was working there appeared an unexplainable bug
- It was not observed in similar (in terms of parameters) machines with Intel processor
The "managers" of this company who decided to buy AMD instead of Intel were very upset.

GAZ 16A car with aerodynamic unloading was created at GAZ in 1962, in a single copy.

Sergey Golubev:

"The young innocent males were divided into three groups. Young females were placed in one group, adult females in another, and none were placed in the third. For four days the groups were monitored, and on the fifth day a portion of food with 15% alcohol was added to the normal diet."

  • "In the first group, the flies were exclusively interested in each other three times a day for all four days. They did not notice the addition of alcohol to their diet."
  • "The adult females had no craving for sex and stubbornly rejected all the young's advances. On the fifth day, the rejected males drank twice their body weight in alcohol."
  • "In the third group, the males were also somehow uncomfortable. But they didn't suffer as much."

Taken from:Rejected flies find solace in alcohol

I was expecting to read"On the fifth day, the rejected males drank twice their body weight of alcohol. That's when the females got it!" ))
Server Muradasilov:

The GAZ 16A aerodynamically unloaded car was created at GAZ in 1962, in a single specimen.

What's the off-loading for? Air cushion - I understand.