Interesting and Humour - page 3595


British scientists have found out that cockroaches "hear" with their feet.

In an experiment, a test subject (cockroach) was placed on a table. A random series of taps on the table were then given and the cockroach ran away.

Later, the subject's limbs were removed and the experiment was repeated, but the cockroach did not hear the tapping and remained in place.
Vitalie Postolache:

British scientists have found out that cockroaches "hear" with their feet.

In an experiment, a test subject (cockroach) was placed on a table. A random series of taps on the table were then given and the cockroach ran away.

Later, the subject's limbs were removed and the experiment was repeated but the cockroach did not hear the tapping and stayed where it was.
The results of such an experiment are somehow exactly the same for all living creatures. The British should get a prize for scientific discovery!
Vadim Zotov:
The results of such an experiment are somehow exactly the same for all living things. Give the British a prize for scientific discovery!
Not for all. Not with worms, snakes, fish and many others.

An unusual case concluded yesterday, 16 February, at the Saransk City Court in the Russian Republic of Mordovia. The 31-year-old local software engineer, who had axed his colleague and then tried to burn his corpse, was in the dock. In the course of investigation it turned out, that the murder happened because of an argument over which graphics cards are better - AMD or NVIDIA.

Asit turned out in the course of the investigation, both the defendantAleksandr Trofimov and the murderedEvgeny Lyulin hadpreviously worked as programmers at the Saransk plant Elektrovypryamitel. Subsequently, Trofimov resigned from there and took a job as a dispatcher at the state enterprise Gosinform, but he did not lose contact with his colleague - the men continued to be friends. On 16 September 2016, when Russia celebrated Programmer's Day, Evgeny Lyulin decided to drop in on Alexander Trofimov to congratulate him on his professional holiday. The future victim had some alcohol with him, which ultimately proved fatal for him.

After celebrating the Programmer's Day and drinking a few glasses of vodka, the men began discussing the products of American manufacturers AMD and NVIDIA. At the same time Eugene Lyulin was speaking highly positively about AMD graphics cards, explaining his opinion with their deserved popularity among professionals. In his turn Alexander Trofimov proved to him that NVIDIA products are better, as they provide excellent graphics for gamers.

At some point the drunken Russian programmers began to discuss each other's mental capabilities. The first one to lose it was Alexander Trofimov - he grabbed a kitchen axe and hit Evgeny Lyulin on the head twice, and then threw his opponent to the bed. After that, the fan of NVIDIA products waited a bit, and then went to get a knife, which dealt 11 more blows to AMD supporter in different parts of his body.

The cat doesn't understand)
Откуда дует?
Откуда дует?
  • 2016.11.22
Кот не может понять...
Do you know Pushkin? -No -Do you know Tolstoy? - No.
-Do you know Gorky? -No... You didn't pass the exam... Hey, slow down. Do you know Rashid?
Do you know Rashid? -Do you know Damir? -Do you know Rusik? -No... -Then why are you scaring me...
You're scaring me with your cronies?
Husband's going out in the evening, he's shaving in front of the mirror. And he's humming a song:
- It's time to go, it's time to go, it's time to go.
Wife heard that tune and started to beautify herself. And she sings:
- Tataram-darom-dam, tataram-darom-dam...
Husband changed his mind about leaving and stayed.
10 Tatars and 1 Russian are walking through the desert. Russian tells jokes about Tatars all the time. They get tired of it and warn him that if he tells one more joke about Tatars they are going to kill him. He thinks for a while and says:
- New joke. Three Negroes are walking in the desert: Shamil, Farid and Rafael...
Only TATARS can understand the phrase: "Tege nine nitersen inde!"))
Tatar (T) from Ukrainian (U) bought a pig, and asked:
T: And how to take care of it, how to feed it?
U: It`s nothing difficult. It is not fussy. You feed him what you eat.
Two weeks pass.
T: Your pig is dead. He wasted away.
W: What did you feed it?
T: Like you said. With what I eat.
W: What do you eat?
T: I drink tea.
Kazan, Russian kindergarten. Tatar language class. Teacher:
- Now, children, who knows what the Tatar word for 'chicken' is?
- Petushkin malayka! - children shout.

In Tatar language class the teacher says:
- Vovochka, tell us in Tatar about Chapaev's death.
Vovochka tells it fervently:
- "Tra-ta-ta-ta-ta!", Chapayev: "Ulam!"
Friends! Anecdote of the year!
The first-grade teacher was having difficulty with one of her students.
She asked:
- What's the matter with you, boy?
The boy replied:
- I'm too smart for first grade. My sister is in third grade and I'm smarter than her!
I think I should be in third grade too!
That was too much for the teacher. She took the boy to the principal and
and explained the whole situation. The principal thought about it and told the boy:
- "I'm going to give you a test, and if you can't answer any of the questions,
you'll go back to first grade and behave yourself.
The boy agreed.
- What is 3 x 3?
- 9
- What is 6 x 6?
- 36
And so it was with every question to which, in the headmaster's opinion,
a third grader should know the answer to. Then the headmaster turned to the teacher and
and said:
- I think the boy can go to third grade.
Then the teacher replied,
- I have my own questions too: What does a cow have of 4 and I have
only 2?
The boy, after a pause, answered:
- Legs.
- What do your trousers have that mine don't?
- Pockets.
- What does a man do standing up, a woman do sitting down and a dog do on three paws?
Now the headmaster's eyes actually bulged wide, but before he could
had time to say something, the boy answered:
- Handshake.
- Which word in English begins with F and ends with K and
mean a lot of heat and excitement?
- Firetruck.
- Which word starts with an F and ends with a K? If it doesn't, do you
have to work with your hands?
- Fork.
- All men have it, some have it longer, some have it shorter.
A man gives it to his wife, after he's married?
- Surname.
- Which organ has no bones, has muscles and lots of veins. It's pulsating and
and is responsible for making love?
- The heart.
The headmaster exhaled with relief and told the teacher:
- Send him to Harvard! I answered the last 7 questions myself