Interesting and Humour - page 3524

Sergey Golubev:

At this picture - a thousand likes on Facebook, and I (and judging by the comments - not only me) - do not understand what's the point ... What's the point?

Isn't it an advertisement for Apple products?

It looks like a hidden Apple ad ;-) like if you don't have an Apple product, you're headless.

There was this genius marketing phrase

The Beetle is your second car !

and then the Beetle's sales went up in the US.

That is, everyone understood that if you drive a Beetle, it means you have another car in the garage - a huge, shiny chic with big beautiful chrome parts, consuming 20-25 litres per 100 litres.

A backlash for google marketers

I have an android - I've already bought an Aplle and even bit into it - I'm bored.

Conclusion: it's sour at a great price - like I certainly have an iPad at home, but I walk around with an android device - at a normal adequate price


If it's about slogans ... I found them here (selectively):

"Ritter Sport" German chocolate bars.
- Praktisch. Quadratisch. Gut. (praktisch, quadratisch, gut)

Nestle Classic for men
- Brutal man's truth.

Lada cars
- Lada. The key to Russia's roads.

IS Mechanics computers.
- Little grey buzzing boxes.

База слоганов | Карта 1
Карта базы слоганов Страница 1.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Don't bother, it's all there, it's all in the hat!,,,,,,,.,, Jewish Christmas rebus ....

You can read it from right to left or left to right.

Alexander Antoshkin:

Don't bother, it's all there, it's all in the hat!,,,,,,,.,,, Jewish Christmas rebus ....

You can read it from right to left or left to right.

:-) that's a good one for an Aplle commercial.
How much does it cost to forecast?
Will you devalue the dollar? (YZ)
He predicts a rise in the price of oil.

This is what the cross on Mount Hoverla looks like now:

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Isn't it an advertisement for Apple products?

It looks like a hidden Apple ad ;-) like if you don't have an Apple product, you're headless.

There was this genius marketing phrase

The Beetle is your second car !

and after that in the US sales of the Beetle went up.

That is, everyone understood that if you drive a Beetle, it means you have another car in the garage - a huge, shiny chic with large beautiful chrome parts that consumes 20-25 litres per 100 cars.

A backlash for google marketers

I have an android - I've already bought an Aplle and even bit into it - boring.

Conclusion: It's sour at a great price - like I certainly have an iPad at home, but I walk around with an android device - at a normal adequate price.

linux and hardcore.