Interesting and Humour - page 3360

Sergey Golubev:
I think things will go back to normal: telephones will only be used to make calls, suitcases will only be used as suitcases (I've already seen cool suitcases with remote control handles, I think they contain a phone etc.) ...

The irons are just for ironing at the moment. But who knows, in order to increase the price they will invent an iron-router and an iron-tv.
The TV remote control is atavism: it does not show movies, radio does not broadcast, does not graph laundry, wi-fi does not receive ... just a remote control ...

When it all comes to the "tipping point" that is when things get completely messed up (just one or two devices for all business) - then everything will return to normal, and people will remember the true purpose of things what/what they should be. And then merchants won't make money en masse just by adding an option to some familiar item, then proving that we all can't live without it.
Conclusion: merchants are evil ))))
Ihor Herasko:
Conclusion: merchants are evil ))))
I mean the trend.

They increase (as they think) the cost of things/objects by adding various options and features to them, and then prove to all of us that this is civilization and progress. And their brethren (fashion designers, TV, etc) willingly broadcast this to the masses, creating the appearance of a kind of religion.

I'm sure that many of those who make a lot of money from it don't watch TV at all, and their wives probably don't even know what louboutins are (which commercials sell so well that even I know the word 'louboutins'). I mean - it's just for us.


So it's really not that unusual! To meet such a thing on a metropolitan street, that's normal))))... People get as crazy as they want! But getting out of the stereotopic zone, Us! Born in the glorious USSR! It's so hard! And most importantly! We don't know how to retrain, we just don't know how, that's all!!! And meanwhile, times have changed abruptly! A man who does not master the professional skills of modern communication and organization! He will remain a great know-it-all!!!))

Alexander Antoshkin:

So it's really not that unusual! To meet such a thing on a metropolitan street, that's normal))))... People get as crazy as they want! But getting out of the stereotopic zone, Us! Born in the glorious USSR! It's so hard! And most importantly! We don't know how to retrain, we just don't know how, that's all!!! And meanwhile, times have changed abruptly! A man who does not master the professional skills of modern communication and organization! He will remain a great know-it-all!!!))

It's them to get to know each other. And then they will get acquainted, give birth, and already their children will walk around with mice.
Sergey Golubev:
It's them to get acquainted. And then they'll get acquainted, give birth, and already their kids will be walking around with mice.
The girls from the training are nothing ordinary. They raise their self-esteem, the exercises teach them not to be afraid of assessments and opinions of others.They'd better go to a course on "How to dress tastefully"! It's fools like that who give money for walking irons...
The book itself has not read (I'm not fond of famous personalities and descriptions of their life path), but judging by the description - the book should be for +16, but it is +0


Alexander Shuvalov.
Female genius. A case history

"This book is about 89 outstanding women. What do these personalities, which include writers and poets, actresses and artists, political and stateswomen, revolutionaries, warriors and saints, have in common? This is the question the psychiatrist is asking. And for good reason. The subject of the norm and pathology of the creative personality - mainly in the mental sphere - has always stirred minds. Based on his own, very specific pathographic material (case histories and diagnostic reports), the author analyses these issues in their interrelation. This analysis makes it possible to see what role these or those mental disorders played in the creative process, how they affected the works, dispelling the myth of an unconditionally negative impact of mental illness."


Generally, the women's comments on the book are astonishing. And I thought there would be outraged reviews, and they are (written by female readers):

  • "The book is certainly quite interesting for easy reading on the subject, but the problem is covered somewhat superficially (actually not a minus, given that this is not a scientific work). And of course the incredibly patriarchal view where the man is taken as a reference."
  • "The small volume and complex structure of the female brain is a direct result of human evolution. "
  • "The incredible tension of the male impulse in any field of creativity comes precisely from the sense that he plays a comparatively small part in the creation of living beings, and it is this that constantly pushes him to overcompensate in other achievements. "
  • "Spielrein believed that a woman has a much greater capacity to 'feel' into other individuals and thus empathise with their lives. Because of the psychological peculiarity noted, women have a less pronounced ability to "objectify their own experiences", which are the essence of works of art."


The book, of course, is serious (you can read it all online here), but I don't recommend reading this crap especially at night and in the morning (everything there is even without humour).

Женская гениальность. История болезни
  • votes: 1
В электронной библиотеке ЛитРес можно читать онлайн бесплатно Женская гениальность. История болезни Александра Шувалова! Успей прочитать самые лучшие и последние книги! 2013-09-12
Skynet? )))

A robot merely reflects human nature.

you could say that a human has looked in the mirror and seen himself without political retouching

Taw ended up claiming to hate everyone....