Interesting and Humour - page 3308

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Didn't pay much attention to the coal-mining enterprise. It's a pity San Sanych is in the bathhouse, but he'll probably be back tomorrow. I wonder what kind of company? Isn't it the Raspadskaya mine?

Around the biggest and most advanced Raspadskaya mine, the whole union danced and worked for it. The whole coal industry in the USSR was subsidised by the state, so there is no point in talking about the cost of coal production here at all.

And I hope Sanych is released soon. He is a professional mathematician who can explain everything clearly. His words about classification have settled in my attic for a long time.

that's how it always ends when you start bickering about politics...

in any case the discussion was interesting, it was a pleasure to read it...

That's when you go back in a time machine to 2006 - it will be worth so much there.

In ten years, the cost of building, or rather completing, the aircraft could not have increased from $120 million to $1 billion. There was not even inflation. That is one thing. Secondly, I asked you three pages earlier:

Have we been drinking on the brotherhood table to poke me ? Let's be mutually reasonable people.

P.S. I thank you in advance for your courtesy.
Alexandr Saprykin:

P.S. Thank you in advance for your courtesy.
Don't thank me.
Don't thank me.
If you say so. I won't.smiley face
Vladimir Zubov:
Ukraine has not sold anything, the Chinese have concluded a contract on completion of the second copy of AN-225 in Kiev. The Facebook of Antonov Design Bureau has all the explanations for the journalists' jokes.

I read the Facebook of Antonov Design Bureau. What is written there is in this article with opinions of experts:

Чья Мрія ? О чем Антонов договорился с Китаем
Чья Мрія ? О чем Антонов договорился с Китаем
Вокруг украинского авиапредприятия “Антонов” снова шум. Вчера появилась информация о том, что компания продала уже легендарный самолет-тяжеловес "Мрія" Китаю. Украинские соцсети, как обычно занялись анализом “перемога” это, или “зрада”. “Антонов” сразу опроверг продажу полных прав на самый большой в мире самолет. Но, о чем конкретно удалось...
Alexandr Saprykin:

I read the Facebook of Antonov Design Bureau. What it says is in this article with expert opinions:

You have a talent, though. One post to ignite a topic. It all started today with your post this morning. It's not the first time it's happened.

Here is the latest news of Ilon Max's SpaceX exploding at launch. And our Mriya, 30 years ago, was designed, among other things, to carry a spacecraft on a ridge and make a launch right in the air. Without any spaceport. This eliminated the ground launch - the most dangerous and energy-intensive stage. But the fate decreed otherwise. Mriya AN-225 is a simple truck. Though it is the biggest one. And now it has been sold. Do not doubt. The Chinese do not care about this wordplay. They sold us the licence, the right to assemble it. They will get what they need and they will have the biggest aircraft.

Yuri Evseenkov:

Here is the latest news of Ilon Max's SpaceX exploding at launch. And our Mriya, 30 years ago, was designed, among other things, to carry a spacecraft on a ridge and make a launch right in the air. Without any spaceport. This eliminated the ground launch - the most dangerous and energy-intensive stage. But the fate decreed otherwise. Mriya AN-225 is a simple truck. Though it is the biggest one. And now it has been sold. Don't doubt. The Chinese do not care about this wordplay. They sold us the licence, the right to assemble it. They will get what they need and they will have the biggest aircraft.

I was talking in an interview with an aircraft designer. He says they sold the license for the Su-** engines to the Chinese. Made it right, but thrust is 20% lower and no one knows why.) The engine is somehow AL-31 or something, I do not remember exactly.