Interesting and Humour - page 2804

Alexey Busygin:

There was a whole article on Swinks on one, not a children's website. The site was shut down and only the pictures were left. In general, what is marked there as a secret entrance is some kind of pipeline through which stone plates from the temple rose to the altar. That's how they got into the temple in the first place. When the Egyptian authorities found out, they removed the slab that had risen to the surface and covered the entrance with sand.

I very much appreciate and respect your knowledge of the subject.

But this is the "Interesting and Humorous" thread - you posted an interesting maybe even fact and I saw the picture of a man propping up the "secret entrance" from the inside and thought it was funny.

The truth is out there ©


They are overreacting, the winds are changeable and with the climate change, such a gale might blow at such an altitude.)
Саудовская Аравия достроит супернебоскреб высотой более километра
Саудовская Аравия достроит супернебоскреб высотой более километра
  • 2015.11.30
Москва. 30 ноября. INTERFAX.RU - Саудовская строительная компания, которая занимается сооружением самого высокого в мире здания в городе Джидда, сообщила, что нашла средства для завершения проекта. Как передает CNN, в минувшее воскресенье Jeddah Economic Company и саудовская Alinma Investment подписали договор о финансировании проекта...

That's why our women have a grander gait than models!

Физик: первые спутники квантовой связи будут созданы через год-два
Физик: первые спутники квантовой связи будут созданы через год-два
  • 2015.11.30
МОСКВА, 30 ноя – РИА Новости. Первые спутниковые системы квантовой связи, позволяющие создать безопасные линии коммуникаций на далекие расстояния, будут разработаны в Китае и Японии примерно через один-два года, заявил швейцарский физик Николя Жизан, выступая на презентации своей книги на ярмарке non/fictio№ 17 в ЦДХ в Москве. "Конечно...



Best friends.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

There's an electric boiler at home, no back-up heating, so I'm thinking: if the boiler fails, what will I do? )

I don't have a stove in the house.

it eats 50-60 kilowatts a day, but that's not a problem, what if it fails)

The heating in Sofia was called, there is no heating in Sofia high-rise initially. There is a fireplace in every flat, it is a nightmare. They say it sucks to live in the European Union.
Alexey Volchanskiy:
I heard from my friends in Sofia and they have no heating in their flats from the beginning. There is a fireplace in every flat, it's a nightmare. They say it sucks to live in the European Union.
Well, I have a stove too, but I don't want to live like in the EU )