Interesting and Humour - page 2803

Alexandr Bryzgalov:
hey, dear, a good song always gret )
That's who we should learn to warm up from, a note to Ukraine.
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

There's an electric boiler at home, no back-up heating, so I'm thinking: if the boiler fails, what will I do? )

I don't want to put a stove in the house.

it eats 50-60 kilowatts a day, but that's not a problem, it will be if it fails )

Switch to gas, the savings are huge.

We have gardeners who take gas from compost and use it to heat their greenhouses in winter. Tangerines, lemons and even bananas grew there.

Alexey Busygin:

Switch to gas, the savings are enormous.

We had some gardeners who took gas from compost and used it to heat their greenhouses in winter. Tangerines, lemons and even bananas grew there.

Not until next year, but the pipe is close by.
Радар подтвердил теорию о «тайных комнатах» в гробнице Тутанхамона
Радар подтвердил теорию о «тайных комнатах» в гробнице Тутанхамона
  • 2015.11.29
  • Редакция журнала Наука и жизнь
За стенами знаменитой гробницы может находиться непотревоженное погребение Нефертити. Британский археолог Николас Ривз (Nicholas Reeves) в июле этого года выдвинул гипотезу, которую многие исследователи восприняли скептически. Он заявил, что за стенами знаменитой гробницы Тутанхамона могут находиться две неизвестные до сих пор камеры. Уже само...
Server Muradasilov:

It's not even that, rumour has it, there's a whole city with a mile-long lake, secret temples, the Atlantean era and sealed scrolls in the temple of wisdom underneath the pigskin.

Server Muradasilov:
here is more interesting to see the murals and the "doors" themselves:
Лондонский золотой фиксинг закрыт . Кому интересна тема золота,рекомендую прочитать
Лондонский золотой фиксинг закрыт . Кому интересна тема золота,рекомендую прочитать
  • 2015.11.29
  • Server Muradasilov
Одной из главных финансовых стало прекращение с 20 марта работы Лондонского золотого фиксинга (London Gold Fix – LGF) – системы фиксации цены на жёлтый металл. Система была создана в 1919 году,...
Alexey Busygin:

The rumour is that there's a whole city under the pigskin with a mile-long lake, secret temples from the Atlantean era, and sealed scrolls in the temple of wisdom.

Yes there is someone propping up the door of the secret entrance from the inside, that's why they haven't found the underground city yet...




Somebody's been propping up the door of the secret entrance from the inside, so they haven't found the underground city yet...

There was a whole article on Swinks on a website that wasn't a children's site. The site was shut down and only the pictures are left. In general, what is marked there as a secret entrance, is a pipeline through which the stone plates from the temple were lifted to the altar. That's how they got into the temple in the first place. When the Egyptian authorities found out, they removed the slab, which rose to the surface, and covered the entrance with sand.