Interesting and Humour - page 2709

Anatoli Kazharski:

You can bookmark this site and check it every day:Made by us >>>.

Check it out!

On 8 July, a new M&M's chocolate dragee and peanut factory opened at the Mars factory in Stupino.

Are you proud?


A "secret" armoured vehicle that drives through the streets in broad daylight?

Well, although it didn't stall or catch fire like the Armata - that's a good thing already....

And what is known about this armoured car?

That there is one. ))

If it is not a secret, it is easy to google information about it: technical characteristics, etc.


Are you proud?

Are you proud?

A peek in there!

On 8 July, a new M&M's chocolate dragon with peanuts was opened at the Mars factory in Stupino.

Are you proud?

Oh, you're so full of it. Poor guy.

There are currently 1,023 pages. Try expressing your opinion there, too. You'll learn a lot. Educate yourself. It's the only way to get out of the swamp of ignorance you're in now. ))

Anatoli Kazharski:

Try expressing your opinion there too.

I've read the comments there - I can express myself better than that.......
3D printers are coming.
Трехлетнему ребенку пересадили напечатанный на 3D-принтере череп
Трехлетнему ребенку пересадили напечатанный на 3D-принтере череп
  • 2015.07.19
Врачи провели уникальную операцию, впервые в мире пересадив трехлетнему ребенку напечатанный на 3D-принтере череп, полностью заменив собственные кости ребенка, сообщает The Daily Mail. Трехлетняя девочка по имени Хань Хань страдала от гидроцефалии — заболевания, характеризующегося избыточным скоплением жидкости в желудочковой системе головного...
Read the comments there - I express myself better than that.......

You don't express yourself at all. A perpetual nothing. An empty space.

You can see that you are very much morally tired. That's the lot of all those who go about their lives looking for dirt that has nothing to do with reality.

Anatoli Kazharski:

You don't express yourself at all. A perpetual nothing. An empty space.

You can see that you are very much morally tired. That's the lot of all those who go about their lives looking for dirt that has nothing to do with reality.

"The Dnieper Dam, 1927-1932. was built by the American Cooper Engineering Company (and the German Siemens).......................