Interesting and Humour - page 2704

Pavel Gotkevitch:
Well, if it drops a bit, that's fine.

But don't let the government officials get in the way...

What government officials and from where? From the Empire of Good on an aircraft carrier? Everything will be yours, just be willing to put it in Fort Knox for your future generations next to the gold of Germany and the rest of the Swedes... But in any case your future generations will do about the same thing as the descendants of Indian maharajahs who sent their treasure chests to London. Now their offspring are moonlighting in London as loaders and scavengers. In the distant future, the rich riches of England will be slaughtered like boars at Christmas. In the meantime, graze and gain weight.

London is a breeding zoo for billionaires! Like steers!

Золотохранилище Форт Нокс (Fort Knox), США
Золотохранилище Форт Нокс (Fort Knox), США
Форт Нокс – хранилище слитков золота в Соединенных Штатах. Английское название Fort Knox происходит от находящейся рядом военной базы. Местоположение форта – штат Кентукки. Несмотря на то, что Форт Нокс – одно из самых известных в мире мест, где сложены золотые слитки, оно занимает в США только второе место по количеству драгоценного металла...
Alexandr Murzin:
If it falls on my plot, do I have to share it with anyone?
If you find the treasure on your property, the state can share it. But who knows, maybe it is of purely scientific value, they will just take it away and that's it, in the name of science.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
If a treasure is found on one's own land, the state can share it. But who knows, maybe it is of purely scientific value, they just take it away and that's it, in the name of science.
The recent meteorite fragments were not seized from those who found them, so there is a chance to get rich.
Alexandr Murzin:
The recent meteorite fragments were not recovered from the finders, so there is a chance of getting rich.

Well, it goes something like this

Ширли-мырли (1995) смотреть онлайн
Ширли-мырли (1995) смотреть онлайн
Во время добычи алмазов в Якутии был найден алмаз необычных размеров. Его назвали «Спасителем России». Если Россия продаст его, то сможет расплатиться со всеми долгами, а также обеспечит жизнь жителей страны на целых три года. Драгоценный камень на самолете перевезли в Москву. Только вот его не успели передать агенту КГБ. Он был отдан...


Anatoli Kazharski:

The rashatudey channel believes that Americans believe that an American woman was the first woman in space.

and, as everyone knows, the rashatudey channel thinks a lot of things......

Anatoli Kazharski:

So this empire of "goodness" is going to genocide all humanity on the planet and Americans too. Only a sect of the godly chosen and insect-like slaves will remain - human-bee ants, which will be bred on special farms in incubators. As young fish are raised from eggs, so from sperm and eggs in a special hatchery will be bred controlled disposable aligophrenes, genetically modified for a particular workplace. And no humanity with its prehistory! Only a race of god-selected reptiloids and a race of humanoid biorobots. And that's it! No Alexander the Great, no Victor Hugo, no Gagarin, no Pushkin, no Newton. No one! Only God's chosen...

If we don't stop this reptiloid gang, we're all screwed!


The rashatudey channel believes that Americans believe that an American woman was the first woman in space.

and as everyone knows, the rashatudey channel thinks a lot of things......

No, they don't. You're on here, counting-counting something, only everything you count is just nonsense. That's the most you can do, because you have never posted anything but nonsense here. I guess that's the job. They must have forgotten about you. You should change your own textbook, you're repeating yourself like a broken record. ))

Nikolay Kositsin:


If this reptiloid gang isn't stopped, we're all screwed!

We could pack them up and send them to Mars. Just make them pay for the engines. )))