Interesting and Humour - page 2706

I didn't know about that - I'll have to Google it.
Google will blow so much into your ears, you won't know what to do. Googleman. )))
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

How about this? ))

The phone was first invented by an American, Popov, not a Russian, Bell....

You won't know what the humour is right away. The humour is that Popov invented radio and had nothing to do with telephones.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
You don't know what the humour is right away. The humour is that Popov invented radio and has nothing to do with telephones.
Well done

A leaked family video showing the future Elizabeth II raising her hand in a "Nazi" salute has angered the queen, British media reported.

Королева потребовала выяснить, как частные материалы были изъяты из коллекции в Виндзорском замке, заявив, что чувствует, будто ее «предали ради баловства». 

Утечка видео с «нацистским» приветствием разозлила королеву Британии
Утечка видео с «нацистским» приветствием разозлила королеву Британии
Утечка в СМИ семейного видео, на котором будущая Елизавета II поднимает руку в «нацистском» приветствии, разозлила...
Is she a reptiloid too?

Ask the queen. ))

Nikolay Kositsin:
Anatoli Kazharski:
Dear comrades! (I hope that you - true patriots - are close in spirit to this kind of address.)

How I am in solidarity with you! How frankly, persuasively, persuasively you defend your - the only true - position!

And I would like to make my contribution, however small, to the noble cause of denouncing this evil empire.

Here is an honest and convincing account from our friends in North Korea.

Dimitri! I think you are arguing in vain with those with whom it is absolutely useless to argue... Well, at least because they are not quite, to put it mildly, adequate.

Nobel laureate Bertrand Russell said very true about them:"He may talk like an idiot and look like one. But we must not be deceived: he really is an idiot".
Aleksey Levashov:
Dimitri! I think you are arguing in vain with those with whom it is absolutely useless to argue... Well, at least because they are not quite, to put it mildly, adequate.

Nobel laureate Bertrand Russell said very true about them:"He may talk like an idiot and look like one. But we must not be deceived: he really is an idiot".
When there is no argument the only thing to do is to pat an associate on the shoulder and accuse his opponent of inadequacy ))
I thought this was just chit-chat, but it turns out that adequate people prove to each other that they are inadequate ))))