Interesting and Humour - page 3847

Andrew Petras:

About the movie about Yugoslavia.

Are you saying that the events in this film are not authentic? Everyone knows about these events, from many other sources. Even the UN had a resolution (or whatever it is called...) to recognize the genocide, blocked by only one single country, guess which one.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Are you saying that the events in this film are not authentic? Everyone knows about these events. There was even a resolution at the UN to recognize the genocide, blocked by only one single country, guess which one.

Haven't watched it, and not really interested. Slowly catching up.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

What exactly are you talking about? Would you be so kind as to answer, because I'm already scared for you, there are so many fantasies.

Use a mirror more often, it helps with phobias.


Anyway, I'm not interested in shitting. Everything I have to say is in the comments on the video.


Echoes of Washington?

How an American government agency is funding media in Russia

There is nothing secret that is not finally revealed. It has been reported that the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), a US government agency tasked with "delivering reliable news to strategically important audiences abroad", is set to expand its financial support to its Russian partners. Along with the Voice of America and Radio Liberty, support will go to RBC, Ekho Moskvy and Dozhd TV. The Russian TV channel NTV reported about it, citing its official website.

The mission of the American Broadcasting Council of Governors, judging by the information on its website, is to deliver reliable news around the world. But if you open the organisation's latest funding request to Congress in 2017, the goals become more specific: to present information from an American perspective and explain US foreign policy and defend American interests and priorities. To do this, the Council is asking Congress for almost $778 million. Much of this money is supposed to be spent on broadcasting to Russia - Voice of America and Radio Liberty - but also, according to the documents, on Russian media as well. In 2017, the Council recommends funding for RBC, TV Dozhd and radio station Ekho Moskvy. But while RBC has been cooperating with the Americans under contract, officially, Dozhd has tried not to advertise such a partnership for several years.

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В Москве обнаружены редкие сирийские дятлы
В Москве обнаружены редкие сирийские дятлы
  • 2017.07.22
  • Олег Луганский - Корреспондент РИА VistaNews
В Битцевском парке экологами был обнаружен крайне редкий для России вид птиц – сирийский дятел. На сайте мэра столицы есть сообщение о том, что данный вид уже начал гнездиться на территории одного из самых крупные Московских парков. Этот вид птиц весьма схож с привычным для россиян пестрым дятлом, но есть некоторые различия. Его черный «ус» не...

And now it's disco.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Do you have a list of "a bunch of bosses"?

No. Then you lied again.


Do you have a list of "a bunch of bosses"?

No. Then I lied again.

I will not feed any more free anti-Soviet and Russophobe trolls. The tit-for-tat is over.

For you and Fedoseyev, there is only free food: you pay, and I will respond. One my answer = 100 quid. Money up front. Freebies are over.

Save your money.


The money I get from you both I undertake to use in freelancing, followed by posting the results in kodobaza.


Great)) One deflated. Making a notation... on the keyboard plug.