Interesting and Humour - page 3834

If you get arrested, don't breed tea mushrooms in your cell, they'll add to your sentence.)

The centre has already warned me, but thanks anyway.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Unconvincing about the Queen? So those are the facts.

Unconvincing about the word "repression"? My wife regularly makes me do the dishes. I fight it. I explain that it's repression. She doesn't get it.

And what was convincing was to set aside the empty word "repressions" and consider each individual case. I did that a few years ago. There were always quite concrete explanations.

If you are interested, do it, but without me.

People who justify Stalinism and the Soviet system forget one simple thing, which instantly makes all their arguments invalid:

It's not so important the reasons and details of being sent to the camps - it's the fact that it could have happened- and it could have happened randomly and in small things,

It is an absolutely abnormal state of society - a willingness to set up a neighbour, for profit or even for nothing,

Stalin, to use the figurative expression of publicists, is just a cherry on the cake of this infinitely sick society that existed in the USSR (as was Hitler in Germany at the same time).

it is remarkable that those who justify this could not see it themselves, and remember a relatively "democratic" period of 50-60-70s,

when there was even housing and not just communist construction,

when all the trash was gone and there was a feeling of a stable, powerful, integral and socially just USSR (which is, however, also a rather deceptive feeling).

I'd like to tell those who went through the camps that there was no repression, and hear what they have to say ))))).



it is not the reasons and details of the camps that are so important - it is the fact that it could happen- and it could happen randomly and in small ways,

it's a totally abnormal state of society to be willing to screw your neighbour, for profit or even just for fun,


Have you ever known anyone close to a war?

ps Shariah had a video out the other day, "He should sit!". Check it out.


People who justify Stalinism and the Soviet system forget one simple point, which instantly makes all their arguments invalid:

It is not so important the reasons and details of being sent to the camps - it is the fact that it could have happened- and it could have happened randomly and in small things,

It is an absolutely abnormal state of society - a willingness to set up a neighbour, for profit or even for nothing,

Stalin, to use the figurative expression of publicists, is just a cherry on the cake of this infinitely sick society that existed in the USSR (as was Hitler in Germany at the same time).

it is remarkable that those who justify this could not see it themselves, and remember a relatively "democratic" period of 50-60-70s,

when there was even housing and not just communist construction,

when all the trash was gone and there was a feeling of a stable, powerful, integral and socially just USSR (which is, however, also a rather deceptive feeling).

I'd love to tell those who went through the camps that there was no repression, and listen to what they have to say ))))).

"Anyone can insult an artist".

If you take a million people and put them in their place for a test, then one and a half people, no more than one and a half, would have coped with the tasks of that time. To raise the country from its knees, and as quickly as possible, was archipelagic. Stalin did, and for that he is to be commended. Not without sacrifice, you might say, the price of raising it from its knees. It is the price for all the lame-o's and lame-o's who are now (later) free to rant all they want. Stalin laid the foundation, strength and power of the future power for centuries. All of us are not without sin, and a man with power is not without mistakes, and even more so, only those who do nothing do not make mistakes, and Stalin did, he was respected and feared, incredibly charismatic and strong person.

Sitting there, housewives with moustaches, pretending to be politicians and ersatz rulers, you see....

Andrew Petras:

Have you ever known anyone close to a warrior?

ps Sharia's video came out the other day, "He Must Sit! Check it out.

They don't know shit... They were born and raised in the well-fed days of "freedom of speech", unable to judge anything adequately.
Andrey Dik:

"Anyone can offend an artist" (c)

If you took a million people and put them in their place for the sake of the test, then one and a half people, no more than that, would have coped with the tasks of the time. To raise the country from its knees, and as quickly as possible, was archipelagic. Stalin did, and for that he is to be commended. It was not without sacrifice, you might say, the price of raising it from its knees. It is the price for all the lame-o's and lame-o's who are now (later) free to rant all they want. Stalin laid the foundation, strength and power of the future power for centuries. All of us are not without sin, and a man with power is not without mistakes, and even more so, only those who do nothing make mistakes, but Stalin did, he was respected and feared, an incredibly charismatic and strong person.

Sitting there, housewives with moustaches, pretending to be politicians and ersatz rulers, you know....

Tamerlane, Genghis Khan, Atilla and many others were also called great and for a reason.

Andrey Dik:

"Anyone can offend an artist" (c)

If you took a million people and put them in their place for the sake of the test, then one and a half people, no more than that, would have coped with the tasks of the time. To raise the country from its knees, and as quickly as possible, was archipelagic. Stalin did, and for that he is to be commended. It was not without sacrifice, you might say, the price of raising it from its knees. It is the price for all the lame-o's and lame-o's who are now (later) free to rant all they want. Stalin laid the foundation, strength and power of the future power for centuries. All of us are not without sin, and a man with power is not without mistakes, and even more so, only those who do nothing make mistakes, and Stalin did, he was respected and feared, incredibly charismatic and strong person.

Sitting around, housewives with moustaches, pretending to be politicians and ersatz rulers, you see....

Doesn't it disgust you to write such a thing? What did he have against Vavilov, who was literally put to death. The whole world uses his collection of plants, some varieties no longer exist, but his collection does.

And a lot of good people were destroyed. Look at the film about Sikorsky, his son gives an interview there and tells what his father said.

And he said, what a prosperous and more powerful Russia would be if they had not exterminated prominent scientists, inventors, doctors.

How many discoveries they would have made, what heights the country would have risen to.

Industrialization, where is it? Where are its fruits? Other countries somehow have no victims, and the level is higher. Maybe it is time to realize that the main wealth is not oil, gas, etc. but people....


Doesn't it disgust you to write such a thing? What's he got against Vavilov, who has literally been exterminated. The whole world uses his collection of plants, some varieties no longer exist, but his collection does.

And a lot of good people were destroyed. Look at the film about Sikorsky, his son gives an interview there and tells what his father said.

And he said, what a prosperous and more powerful Russia would be if they had not exterminated prominent scientists, inventors, doctors.

How many discoveries they would have made, what heights the country would have risen to.

Industrialization, where is it? Where are its fruits? Other countries somehow have no victims, and the level is higher. Maybe it is time to understand that the main wealth is not oil, gas and so on, but people....

Reread the last line of yours.... Throughout the world, especially in the capitalist and developed world, people are the least considered. Whatever Stalin did in his time, they would have found someone who would say something against it now, so what? - There was a need to do so.

Who are you to judge and condemn Stalin? A politician, an eminent man of science? -Who are you? - What right do you have to judge Stalin? - Do you have any merit before your fatherland?

Andrey Dik:

Reread your last line.... All over the world, especially in the developed capitalist world, people are the least thought of. Whatever Stalin did, they would have found someone to say something against it now, so what? - There was a need to do so.

Justification of totalitarianism counts

Andrey Dik:

Reread your last line.... All over the world, especially in the capitalist, developed world, people are the least thought of. Whatever Stalin did, they would have found someone who would say something against it now, so what? - There was a need to do so.

First look at how much the lowest unemployment benefit is and then it will become clear who cares better and the level of wages.

You probably don't know much history and you are no more than 27 years old. Usually it's the people who drown for Stalin who are completely ignorant of history.

Where are the fruits of Stalin's labours now? More than one generation has changed in technology.

And who are you to approve of human sacrifice?
Unemployment - Великобритания - Фундаментальный анализ - Графики котировок, технический и фундаментальный анализ - Справка по MetaTrader 5
Unemployment - Великобритания - Фундаментальный анализ - Графики котировок, технический и фундаментальный анализ - Справка по MetaTrader 5
Unemployment rate — количество безработных по отношению к численности трудоспособного населения. Claimant count — наиболее регулярный показатель...