Interesting and Humour - page 2588

Stars, slippers, hats in a row - A Kamaz ran over the October revolutionary squad.
It's a fun place to be
Я не робот: как в Сибири привлекли на проект против спама $300 тыс.
Я не робот: как в Сибири привлекли на проект против спама $300 тыс.
Предприниматели Николай Прайс и Максим Владыкин переработали самый популярный в интернете механизм защиты от спама — captcha, предложив пользователям не вводить текст или решать примеры, а собирать пазл. Такой подход позволил не только повысить степень защиты сайта, но и создать новый маркетинговый инструмент: пазл, который собирает...
I'm not a robot


Collecting a puzzle on a one-two-three is solved by a bot, it's not a defence.

And this quote from the article is a masterpiece of nonsense:

The creators of Keycaptcha have developed a complex algorithm to generate the captcha, load it, display it and verify it on the site. As a result, they said, one of the main problems of captcha was solved - resetting all the data entered before by the user if they offered the wrong solution.

Did they rub it in to the investor where the money went?



Collecting a puzzle on a one-two-three is solved by a bot, it's not a defence.

And this quote from the article is a masterpiece of nonsense:

Did they rub it in to the investor where the money went?

"Rubbing it in to an investor" is the most lucrative business.

I've seen it on several websites, it's really handy, and sometimes captchas can be so complicated that you wonder if you're being tricked.)

A, as such an investment project? )


I've seen it on several websites, and it's really handy, because sometimes captchas can be so complicated that you wonder if you're being tricked.)

A, as such an investment project? )

You could also borrow from people you know.

A generation is growing up:

little drummer


I've seen it on several websites, and it's really handy, because sometimes captchas can be so complicated that you wonder if you're being tricked.)

A, as such an investment project? )

Isn't the mobile operator making the dough in this case?