Interesting and Humour - page 2567

Cool ad, and most importantly it gets the point across accurately
It's not expensive to feed. But you can't ride it out of the stall.

When are we going to get around in electric cars?

Sounds like an anecdote, though.

From the memoirs of Viktor Yanukovych's personal translator.

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was given a few lessons in basic English before he visited Washington to meet President Barack Obama. He was instructed as follows:

1) When you approach Obama, the first thing to ask is, "How are you? (
2) Obama will reply "I am fine, and you? (
3) And to Obama's question, answer, "Me too." (Me too).
That's it. After that we - the interpreters - do all the work.
And here's what happened - and is forever inscribed - so to speak - in the annals.
Yanukovych holds out his hand and says rather jaunty: "Who are you? " (Who are you?).
Mr. Obama is a little shocked, but pulls himself together and responds with his Harvard humor: "I'm Michelle's husband!" (I'm Michelle's husband!).
Well, here Yanukovych worked exactly as he was taught: "Me too!" (Me too!).

It's not expensive to feed. But you can't ride it out of the stall.
Well... it depends on how you "accelerate" :)))
iPad tricks
The Amazing iPad Magician
The Amazing iPad Magician
  • 2015.02.18
Simon Pierro brought a magic iPad with him and wowed Ellen's audience right along with Ellen!
Sounds like an anecdote, though.

From the memoirs of Viktor Yanukovych's personal interpreter.

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was given a few lessons in basic English before he visited Washington to meet President Barack Obama. He was instructed as follows:

1) When you approach Obama, the first thing to ask is, "How are you? (
2) Obama will reply "I am fine, and you? (
3) And to Obama's question, answer, "Me too." (Me too).
That's it. After that we - the interpreters - do all the work.
And here's what happened - and is forever inscribed - so to speak - in the annals.
Yanukovych holds out his hand and says rather jaunty: "Who are you? " (Who are you?).
Mr. Obama is a little shocked, but pulls himself together and responds with his Harvard humor: "I'm Michelle's husband!" (I'm Michelle's husband!).
Well, here Yanukovych worked exactly as he was taught: "Me too!" (Me too!).

Lost in three pines, or rather in letters.
Two passers-by in London:
- Sorrie, haw mach of woch?
- Syssx woch.
- Sach mach?
- Tu hum hau.
- MGIMO finish?
- Ask!
Березников Ю.Ю.
Березников Ю.Ю.
  • 2015.02.23
3000USD Международная брокерская компания дающая частным трейдерам прямой выход на межбанковский валютный рынок предлагает трейдерам возможность стать управляющими. Обязанности: совершение торговых операций на мировых...