Interesting and Humour - page 2334


Brazilian fan

Here comes Ostap.
newdigital is quietly smoking in the background
newdigital's just chickening out.

I'm reminded of a copyist of jokes. I wrote ten sheets before he let go.

although there may be a record here...


Maybe it's time for him to rest.


even i'm sick of it.


Maybe it's time for him to rest.


even i'm sick of it.

If it's even for you, then yes :))

What's the problem, huh?!


I was reminded of a copyist of anecdotes.

Although there may be a record here...

It won't ... There's a user in the English section who does just that - you step away from the computer for a minute and there's already 3 sheets of jokes (in a mixture of English and Indonesian). And what was done to him - both banned and warned ... and he doesn't give a damn. If he is banned for a long time, he will check back in and start making jokes again. Now he's really started to post pictures (while posting India) ... ...he's also posting a lot of pictures twice a day.

just have to be patient here...

A Japanese girl meets a Russian, introduces herself:
- Sukashima!
- Nice to meet you, dog Vasya

If even you, then yes :))

What's the problem, huh?!

I've already suggested that this thread should be unpaid...


I've suggested before that this thread be made unpaid...

that's what it is.