Interesting and Humour - page 2328


Question . Where is the line between human and no longer human? I don't know.

It is clear that if a person had an accident and lost all his limbs and was given artificial limbs, he is still the same person.

So let's move on--

an artificial heart?

an implanted neuron in the spinal cord?

injected neurons into the brain?


where's the line?

hmm, I don't know.

We're all robots.)

Asimov defines a human as someone who has retained his bio-brain and does not possess immortality.

where is the boundary?

The body is only a part of a person. Losing it does not lose one's status as a human being. Another thing is that a person without a body is no longer perceived by the people who have that body. But that is the problem of those people, not the person without the body.

Ill b back...
- Do you have anything for your head?
- Here, take an ear.
- Do you have anything for your head?
- Here, take an ear.
And I keep saying that only French medicine works for my head.
Гильотина — Википедия
Гильоти́на (фр.  ) — в первоначальном смысле — механизм для приведения в исполнение смертной казни путём отсечения головы. Казнь с использованием гильотины называется гильотинированием. Главной деталью гильотины для отрубания головы является тяжёлый (40—100 кг) косой нож (жаргонное название — «барашек»), свободно движущийся вдоль вертикальных...
And I keep telling you that the only thing that works for your head is French medicine.

It's your subconscious, the sight of me not being banned

Bullshit. I'm about to get banned again.


Netherlands - Argentina

10 credits for the Netherlands

who will answer ?


Netherlands - Argentina

10 credits for the Netherlands

who will answer ?

I'll answer, but I don't have the money with me).