Interesting and Humour - page 2341


At home, at work, outside and even in bed - we're online.
"Wait, I'll google/tweet/instagram." Sound familiar? We're tired of living like this. We want to make eye contact, not smartphone screens. To dance, not retweet YouTube videos. Hugging, not texting hugs. Burning with feeling, not burning over a keyboard. Step forward with us!
On the night of July 15 to 16, go offline for at least an hour.
Turn off your mobile phones, computers, TVs... And spend that time with your loved ones. Here we share ideas and tips on how to spend that hour

Час Страсти

There don't seem to be any opponents!

All gone to the front?

What front?

Careful what you say))

Are you answering with a bet?
There's no point in answering, everyone's resigned to a German win. Let me bet on Argentina, but 1 to 5.
Nah, he's a good drummer... If he didn't play with his hands on his ass, but something more interesting...
This is an excerpt from a Malaysian movie (a feature film without a plot).
Their moderation rules are steeper than ours (you can see it in the video). And by the way, our users are just shitty stooges compared to them...

That's the way to live ...

Someone wanted to leave (two people) - they were just stopped.

And in our forum - they registered and left...

Ahhhh... I see... It's a movie about how they were stopped... A film about moderation...
Coming soon to the box office: "I am not a camel" from the creator of... man, I haven't seen that many... and six kids.
Спилберга в Facebook обвинили в убийстве вымершего динозавра
Спилберга в Facebook обвинили в убийстве вымершего динозавра
  • 2014.07.11
МОСКВА, 11 июл — РИА Новости. Голливудский режиссер Стивен Спилберг вызвал в пятницу гнев интернет-пользователей, обвинивших его в убийстве динозавра трицератопса, вымершего более 60 миллионов лет назад. Фотографию режиссера, сидящего перед механическим динозавром на съемках фильма 1993 года "Парк Юрского периода", загрузил в соцсеть Facebook...