Interesting and Humour - page 2260

ВТБ начал рассчитываться в юанях
Филиал банка ВТБ в Шанхае, единственный российский банк с финлицензией на территории Китая, провел первую трансграничную операцию в юанях на сумму 20 млн юаней. Теперь клиенты в России могут осуществлять расчеты с китайскими контрагентами в юанях.

"Optogan is not getting any chips

Optogan founders Maxim Odnobludov, Alexey Kovsh and Vladislav Bugrov have left the business. This happened at the initiative of Rusnano, which last year received a controlling stake as a result of an additional issue of shares. The shareholders were dissatisfied with the company's earnings - and will now focus the business on sales and maintenance of LEDs and lighting fixtures, giving up on growing chips themselves. Optogan's founders have returned to science.

"Оптогану" чипы не светят // Компания сменила менеджеров и отказывается от направления хай-тек в пользу продаж и сервиса
"Оптогану" чипы не светят // Компания сменила менеджеров и отказывается от направления хай-тек в пользу продаж и сервиса
и теперь сосредоточат бизнес на продаже и обслуживании светодиодов и светильников
Engineers in Africa
Самый Быстрый Слон
Самый Быстрый Слон
  • @FastSlon
Философы из РИА Новости решили не отставать от ИФакса

Interfax knows something.


Well yes, if so much confusion is caused by formulating a headline that mentions the Kremlin and the text of an article where they write about Crimea, one can conclude that they are the ones smoking something there. )
Well yes, if so much confusion is caused by formulating a headline that mentions the Kremlin and the text of an article that talks about Crimea, then one might conclude that they are the ones smoking something there. )
Hee hee ) you're just jealous
I did know.
You're just jealous.
I don't even remember what envy is anymore. )