Interesting and Humour - page 2178


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Interesting & Humorous

newdigital, 2014.04.07 08:52


The hybrid E-mobile project, loudly announced by Mikhail Prokhorov in 2010 and which collected more than 200,000 pre-orders, is effectively closed. ONEXIM has transferred all of its technology to the state-owned NAMI institute for €1 and intends to sell its production facilities in St. Petersburg. The company explained the decision by the sharp rise in prices for equipment due to the weakening of the ruble and the decline in the car market. The state has not yet decided in which project the E-mobile platform can be used.

Marussia Motors has laid off all its employees

The project was "restarted" in 2012: Marussia signed an agreement with the Finnish company Valmet Automotive to finalize the design of the car and organize its production in Finland. This time it was only about the Marussia B2 coupe. These plans were also not destined to materialise.

It remains unclear whether Marussia Motors will now take part in the state-ownedKortezh project, which envisages the creation of a domestic government limousine and several other models.

Компания Marussia Motors уволила всех сотрудников -
Многострадальный проект первого русского суперкара похоже окончательно завершился: компания Marussia Motors уволила весь персонал. Эту информацию опубликовали на сайте теперь уже бывшие сотрудники фирмы Николая Фоменко, один из них даже поделился «прощальной» фотографией. Первое спортивное купе Marussia B1 было представлено еще в...

Good night


Good night

And the cats seem to be drunk - they're singing a bit loudly and awkwardly... It's hard to fall asleep to that.
It's more pleasant to fall asleep to this one. It's not that, though, it's the one with the... you know, the one next to the kitty.

Sleep well and get a good night's sleep.

"Samsung is turning the world of electronics upside down!
Samsung совершила революционный прорыв, способный перевернуть весь мир электроники
Samsung совершила революционный прорыв, способный перевернуть весь мир электроники
Ученые из компании Samsung заявили, что сделали открытие, способное действительно перевернуть всю сферу электроники. Разработанная ими технология, благодаря использованию графена, сделает технику будущего намного тоньше, крепче и производительней. Графен – это новейший наноматериал, толщиной в один атом углерода, который благодаря своей...
A car is a living thing that you take into your family. It will change everything in your life: your pace, your budget, your wages, it will, to some extent, subordinate you, change your habits...
A car is a completely different world. If you're feeling down and need some privacy, it will give you some at any time of the day or night and in any season... A dry, warm and comfortable piece of space awaits you under your window. Turn the key and you are alone with yourself, with your problems and even with eternity sometimes... A car, like a dog, will never betray, betray, tell your friends, enemies, your wife/girlfriend about your other secret life that only it knows! Your car knows your habits better than your closest friend; it is waiting for you at the car park during the long nights; it is glad to see you in the morning but keeps silent, because it is iron. Your car becomes a part of your life, whether you want it or not, its very existence is embedded in your gene cells, it becomes a part of you, your "I" and to be quite frank, your car is you!
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Андрей Коняев
  • @a_konyaev
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