Interesting and Humour - page 2158

Every business has a different smell.
The bakery smells like burnt buns.
A newspaper man smells like a dead duck.
Like the perfume department smells like a prostitute.
The surgeon smells of a botched anaesthetic.
The milkmaid smells of evening manure.
The skinner smells of skinning.
The sanitizer... you know how.
The cook smells of sour cabbage.
A nurse smells like an enema.
Mother-in-laws tend to smell like pancakes.
Everyone in customs smells like big money.
The English Consul smells like oatmeal.
The schoolteacher smells of valerian.
Morse code smells like a radio operator.
And heroin, the smuggler.
A sailor smells of oil spill.
Only programmers don't smell anything
How many megapixels are there in the eye?
An order of magnitude more than in modern digital cameras
Вокруг Света | Вопрос-ответ | Сколько мегапикселей в глазу?
Вокруг Света | Вопрос-ответ | Сколько мегапикселей в глазу?
На порядок больше, чем в современных цифровых камерах Если сопоставлять пиксели со светочувствительными клетками сетчатки глаза — палочками и колбочками, то в каждом глазу будет 120-140 мегапикселей. Но распределены они неравномерно: в центре поля зрения на квадратный миллиметр приходится до 200 тысяч рецепторов — на...
The brain and the chip: why are processors overtaking - and losing?

A robot with a human face - Hiroshi Ishiguro with his heminoid replica (photo by Queensland University of Technology):

Мозг и чип: почему процессоры обгоняют — и проигрывают?
Мозг и чип: почему процессоры обгоняют — и проигрывают?
Центральный процессор часто называют мозгом компьютера, но справедливо ли такое сравнение? Сказать, что процессор в точности повторяет мозг, было бы неправдой, и всё же между ними и впрямь много общего. Оба построены донельзя сложно и искусно, и искать между ними сходства и различия можно до бесконечности. Мы же попробуем уложиться в пять...
Швейцарские производители часов отказываются сотрудничать с Apple ::
Компания Apple сейчас работает над созданием собственных умных часов iWatch и уже обратилась к нескольким швейцарским производителям за помощью. Однако все они ответили отказом. Об этом сообщает деловое издание со ссылкой на собственные источники. По данным издания, некоторые швейцарские производители получили от Apple предложение провести...

10 tips for thirty-somethings from those in their forties

A few weeks after his thirtieth birthday, writer and entrepreneur Mark Manson asked subscribers to his blog over the age of 37 to share their life experiences from their 30s to 40s. Combining all the responses he received, Mark received an impressive sample of collective wisdom.

1. Start saving for old age now, without delay. Start saving as early as possible.

2. Start taking care of your health now, without delay. Your mind thinks you are 10-15 years younger than the real age of your body. Your health will go faster than you think, and you won't even notice it.

3) Don't talk to people who treat you badly. Learn to say no to people, actions and commitments that have no value in your life.

4. be good to those you care about.

5. You can't have it all - focus on doing what you're really good at. Life is all about compromise. You sacrifice one thing to get another, and you can't have both together. Accept that.

6. Don't be afraid to take risks, you can still make a difference. Many have noticed that society requires us to "make up our minds" by the age of 30 - with a career, marital status, financial situation, etc. But that's not true. In fact, dozens of emails sent in literally begged you not to let societal expectations of 'adulthood' stop you from taking risks and starting over.

7. You must continue to grow and develop. You have two assets whose loss you cannot make up for: your body and your mind. Most people stop developing and working on themselves after 20. Most thirty-somethings are too busy to worry about self-development. But if you're one of the few who keep learning, develop your mindset and take care of your mental and physical health, you'll be light years ahead of your peers by the time you're 40.

8. No one understands what they are doing. Get used to it. Unless you're already dead - mentally, emotionally or socially - you can't predict your life five years in advance. It won't go the way you expect it to go. So stop assuming you can plan ahead, stop agonising over what's happening now because it's all going to change anyway, and get over the desire to control the direction of your life.

9. Invest in your family - it's worth it. Spend more time with your loved ones. When you grow up, your relationships change, and how exactly they change is up to you.

10. Be kind to yourself, respect yourself. Be a little selfish and do something nice for yourself every day, something else every month and something wonderful every year.

10 советов тридцатилетним от тех, кому за сорок
10 советов тридцатилетним от тех, кому за сорок
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Через несколько недель после своего тридцатилетия писатель и предприниматель Марк Мэнсон обратился к подписчикам своего блога старше 37 лет с просьбой поделиться своим жизненным опытом, добытым в период с 30 до 40 лет. Совместив все полученные ответы, Марк получил впечатляющий образец коллективной мудрости. На просьбу откликнулось более 600...

Good night