Interesting and Humour - page 2098

- You have no idea, Seryoga, how hard it is to close a profitable trade!
- Tell me about it, it's practically impossible.
Google Ara показали вживую
Google Ara показали вживую
  • 2014.03.05
  • Сергей Буровцов
Совсем недавно мы рассказывали вам о грядущем модульном смартфоне от Google и о готовящейся в апреле конференции для разработчиков. Но пока мы ждали этого события, Джейсон Калаканис, американский интернет-предприниматель и блогер, на своей конференции LAUNCH, посвященной разного рода стартапам, побеседовал с представителем команды разработчиков...
I'm sorry, I didn't realise it was already
Spring fashion for traders - SHORTS.
In general, trading is a fascinating and enjoyable activity. The main thing is to choose the right antidepressants...

About the Americans:

1. Even if you buy one banana in the supermarket, they will put it in a plastic bag or paper bag. Or maybe even two. As a result, huge amounts of both are constantly accumulating in homes.

2. If an American is asked where he is from, he will necessarily first say in which state or city he was born, even if he was taken out of there in infancy and he never went there again. In addition, Americans like to list what percentage of what nationality is present in his ancestry.

3. You can return almost everything bought back to the store by saying that it “didn’t suit you”. You will receive back either the money or a credit for the purchase. I personally saw how one woman dragged a huge bag filled with used cosmetics without a receipt and received $ 300.

4. The system of informing is unusually developed. For example, if a “No Smoking” sign hangs in a public place and someone starts to smoke, none of the visitors will personally reprimand the smoker. They will go complain to the manager.

5. Bouquets of flowers are sold for pennies in all supermarkets, but men rarely give them to women. A bouquet brought on a date will make the girl think that the guy is a loser and is desperately trying to win her favor.

6. Americans are incredible workaholics. If you come to the office at 6 am or stay at work until midnight, no one will appreciate it. That's how a lot of people work.

7. If you want to make someone feel very guilty and apologize to you, just say that their words or actions hurt your feelings. "Hurting someone's feelings" is a very serious offense in the US.

8. Americans know how to make money on the most incredible and even idiotic idea. One, seeing dentures in the dentist's office, made crooked teeth out of plastic at home to scare his friends and became a millionaire, putting this production on stream.

9. It is not customary for Americans to get acquainted on the street. If someone approaches you, get ready to hear a foreign accent.

10. Potato chips in Americans are considered part of the dish - a side dish, like Russians, for example, fried potatoes.

11. The Russian dish of jelly causes surprise among Americans, or rather, carefully hidden disgust. Jelly here can only be sweet.

12. In America, the concept of "no prophet in his own country" does not exist. Americans are proud and trumpet at all corners if their compatriots have succeeded abroad. In the same way, they raise a fuss if one of theirs abroad is in trouble.

13. In the American army, not only do they pay well and provide numerous benefits, parents themselves send their teenagers there to be "turned into men." The result is usually very impressive.

14. To sue some company for a completely idiotic reason is a favorite way of income for Americans and resembles a national sport. Sometimes a person becomes involved in a collective court by accident: I received a piece of paper in the mail several times asking me to confirm my desire to participate in a collective court and receive compensation. It turns out that someone did not like the purchase (or service) and he decided to sue, and also involve another hundred hundred people who bought goods there at about the same time. The irony is that the real money is made by the lawyers, because they get a percentage of each person involved, and they send you twenty bucks divided by 100 people.

15. American girls are very independent and confident from an early age. It is difficult to imagine a young American woman who tries to win the favor of her parents or those around her by obedient behavior. The well-known Russian remark “well, you are a girl” has no equivalent here. Appearance and especially thinness are in the first and all other places.

16. American boys will do their best to get a girlfriend as early as possible: it doesn't matter how many guy friends you have and whether you excel in sports - if you don't have a girlfriend, you're a loser. When you get a girlfriend, your buddies automatically start to think that you are having sex (which is not necessarily true), which means that you are incredibly cool.

18. American husbands often repeat the saying “a happy wife is a happy life”, hinting that it’s not worth arguing and arguing with your wife, it’s better to agree right away, you’ll still lose. American fathers pull out a credit card without protest when their daughters want to buy something or spend a day at the salon. With sons, fathers are much more strict and, in general, treat boys - friends of their daughters with great distrust.

19. When traveling to other countries, Americans never try to learn the local language. They do not understand why the French refuse to take orders from them in English, believing that they are just showing off and creating unnecessary problems. The whole world already speaks English, what's the problem?

20. Americans are not at all interested in foreign films and celebrities. Only when some European star moves to the USA can they start writing something about her in the newspapers, but otherwise Americans are completely indifferent to foreigners.

21. Living with parents or relatives is not accepted here and happens only if a person has no money at all. But a huge number of Americans rent out the rooms of their house or rent with perfect strangers whom they found through ads. It is not uncommon for single people to take lodgers in order not only to save money, but also to avoid loneliness.

22. Americans are crazy about pets and treat them often better than their family members. The hostess of the house may not bother preparing dinner for her children and her husband, while stocking up on a wide variety of canned food and mixtures for a dog or cat.

23. If you do something with your own hands, no matter how crooked and askew, Americans will admire and advise you to start your own business. Loudly applauding a homegrown singer, even if a bear crushed his ear, is normal. Therefore, indescribable mediocrity often flaunt on the screens in full confidence of their talent.

24. Americans are not very superstitious. Other than knock on wood, I can't think of a single superstition. Hiking to fortune-tellers and soothsayers is mainly done by emigrants. But all as one believe in the Apocalypse of 2012 and the existence of UFOs.

25. In the USA, getting a higher education is considered the key to a successful career. At the same time, the vast majority of billionaires and truly rich people either never crossed the threshold of college at all, or earned their money on something that their diploma has nothing to do with. University graduates pay off student loans until they retire and fear old age.

26. American women consider a lost day if their hair is badly styled and generally very sensitive to haircuts. They can walk around in sweatpants and a t-shirt, but with great hair, good color and very well-groomed.

27. It is not considered shameful to work as service personnel. But gardening is done only by Hispanics. The worst thing you can do for your reputation is to take advantage of government bailouts.

28. Americans love to read and buy a huge amount of books every year. At the same time, the vast majority cannot correctly write half of the words of the English language and does not know the meaning of the other half. It is not uncommon for professors to write something on the blackboard in class and students correct them. Spelling errors are not considered a cause for embarrassment here.

29. Americans talk freely about sex and the anatomy of both women and men, as if it were a conversation about the weather. All non-abusive designations of sexual characteristics have long been included in everyday speech, and from the TV screens there is a calm discussion of menstruation, members, vaginas and sexual acts. Also, for some unknown reason, "asshole" is always dubbed on TV, but "bitch" or "son of a bitch" is not.

30. The most terrible structure in the US is not the police or the courts, but the tax authorities. The defaulter will be taken out of the ground and the guard will come concrete. Although they don’t play with the police either, you won’t be able to dodge a fine on the road.

31. There are black-only bars and clubs in America. I have not yet seen only for whites and, most likely, such a bar will often have to change the glass in its windows.

32. Only narrow family holidays and dinners in the White House are celebrated with a feast. In all other cases, the meeting will most likely take place either in a bar or restaurant, or there will be a buffet at home and no toasts.

33. Americans don't write congratulatory poems for birthdays and holidays. A postcard for the occasion with a ready-made text is bought in the store, signed and presented most often without a gift.

34. Openly disagree and say "no" Americans do not like. When refusing, they are more likely to say “yes, maybe, maybe.” You need to get used to reading these signals and not insisting or accidentally mistaking "maybe" for agreement.

35. In schools, no one studies in the same class for 10 years, but, like in universities, they meet different people at certain lessons. Americans remember the school with hostility, and some with hatred. Constant skirmishes between teenagers, jokes between girls. Constant competition, who has more money, who is better dressed and who has a cooler boyfriend (girl friend).

36. Americans rarely travel. Canada and Mexico don't even count as overseas. Those who have rested in France are considered to have seen the world.

37. Bargaining in America is not accepted, but if you find any defect in the product, you may be given a discount. Sometimes 50%.

38. Everyone drives cars and there are even driving stereotypes:

if a car trudges ahead - Asian
if a car trudges ahead with the turn turned on - a pensioner
if you are overtaken with tinted windows - Iranian or Russian
if there are 25 people in the car - Mexicans
if music rumbles and car doors shake - African-American

39. It is very easy to register and open your own business - you will not meet any special paperwork along the way.

40. Americans are generally not offended when someone speaks negatively about their country. They will even agree that their president is a joke, democracy is not real, and that they are laughed at or hated all over the world. At the same time, almost no one would think of trying to emigrate somewhere.

41. According to the incredibly popular site where you can order a letter from Santa for your child, his office is in Texas. This is another example of the entrepreneurial spirit of Americans - someone came up with the idea to write wishes from Santa on beautiful paper and sell them for 10 bucks. The annual income of the founder is estimated in millions.

42. Enjoying a leisurely lunch in the middle of a working day is not a typical picture for the United States, and even snoring for a quarter of an hour sounds unrealistic. Mostly people grab sandwiches and eat them at their desk.

43. Being photographed for Playboy magazine is not considered something shameful. Posting nude photos of yourself from the back taken at home is a shame.

44. Americans love to sell their junk by posting sale ads and displaying old things, furniture and whatever, outside garages. People are buying up - only the noise is worth it.

45. Losing weight in the US is considered an achievement more important than business success. If some fat businessman with his millions loses weight to a normal size, it will be talked about more than his business.

46. All modern houses and apartments are designed with mandatory built-in wardrobes. Usually they have sliding doors, which can be replaced with mirrored ones for an additional fee.

47. It’s not uncommon for the children of wealthy parents to work at Starbucks. Parents' money is not considered an automatic inheritance of children, and the latter often make their way on their own, relying on the education and acquaintances of their parents, but not on their money.

48. Pairs of an aged woman + a young man have become commonplace.

49. It is very unacceptable to cry in a public place. Loudly swear on the phone, discussing intimate details - all the time.

50. Americans easily part with friends and just as easily find new ones. It is not customary to ask friends for money, salt, or help to babysit.



Что делать, если у вас глупый научный вопрос
Что делать, если у вас глупый научный вопрос
  • 2014.03.06
МОСКВА, 6 мар — РИА Новости, Ольга Добровидова. Знаменитый астроном Карл Саган в книге "Мир, полный демонов: Наука, как свеча во тьме" пишет, что вопросы бывают наивными, скучными, плохо сформулированными, вызванными чрезмерной самокритикой, но никак не глупыми. "Каждый вопрос — это мольба о понимании мира. Тупых вопросов не бывает", — уверен...

...rumbling music and shaking car doors - African-American

I didn't think we had a lot of Africans in Russia.