Interesting and Humour - page 2076


Soldiers of a certain Ahrar al-Sham brigade near the town of Qalamoun are using a Russian-made Konkurs-M mobile anti-tank missile system to fire at a Soviet-made tank

Well, that's not surprising.

In general, it's an interesting magazine, I recommend reading it.

lubopitniy_1978 August 3rd, 2013        Откуда у повстанцев в Сирии РПГ-29 "Вампир"?
lubopitniy_1978 August 3rd, 2013 Откуда у повстанцев в Сирии РПГ-29 "Вампир"?
  • 2013.08.03
Мы там вообще кому и какое оружие поставляем-то? За кого там болеть-то? Ведь этих гранатомётов даже у нас нет! Их Путину Обама делать запретил, потому, что они "Абрамс" пробивают. Посмотрите видео да почитайте, вас проймёт, там нудноватый пафос, но в конце показано, сколько у них этого оружия, ну, и естественно, как оно попадает, и что при этом...

This thread is dedicated to "Market is not just a shop or an opportunity to make money " ... as that thread could well be just 2 posts :

  • 1st post with the question - "Is the Market just a shop or an opportunity to make money?"
  • 2nd concluding post in the thread with the answer "The Market is not just a shop, but also an opportunity to make money"


Rabbits are not just valuable fur ...


Andrei Konchalovsky - the numbers show where Russia is going

I want to remind you of some stunning figures and facts which clearly confirm that Russia is not in Europe and not even in Asia by many indicators: in terms of corruption, life expectancy, investment in science and the like, we are in Africa!
  • I will even say more - we should not be offended by this comparison, but Africans! Africans have an explanation for their backwardness: for four centuries they have been savagely exploited and destroyed by "aliens" - racists and colonisers, but for us, Russians, for the last four centuries, who colonised and who oppressed us, except ourselves?

    Well, we often ignore the statistics - now, there will be statistics - in dry numbers it is difficult to grasp the reality with the mind.
    But the scale of the tragedy now playing out across Russia is so critical that I urge you to strain your attention.

    Mortality in Russia.
    Over the past 20 years more than 7 million Russians have died out in Russia. We are 50% ahead of Brazil and Turkey, and several times ahead of Europe.

    Every year Russia loses an entire region equal to Pskov or a major city such as Krasnodar in terms of population.

    The number of suicides, poisonings, murders and accidents in Russia is comparable to the mortality rate in Angola and Burundi.

    Russia ranks around 160th in the world in life expectancy for men, behind Bangladesh.

    Russia ranks 1st in the world in absolute terms of population decline.

    The United Nations estimates that Russia's population will shrink from its current 143 million to between 121 million and 136 million by 2025.

    The figures for the family crisis in Russia are also horrifying: 8 out of 10 elderly people living in nursing homes have relatives who can support them.
    And yet, they are sent to shelters! Their relatives have abandoned them.

    We have 2 to 5 million street children (after WWII there were 700,000).

    In China, for every 1 billion 400,000 thousand people there are only 200 thousand homeless - which is 100 times less than here!
    That is what children mean to the Chinese! But taking care of the elderly and children is key to a prosperous nation.

    80% of 370 thousand children in orphanages have living parents.
    But the state provides for them! I generally think this is criminal.

    We rank 1st in the world in the number of children abandoned by their parents.

    All these figures show the erosion and breakdown of family values in our country...

    Crimes against children - just listen.
    According to the Russian Investigative Committee, 100,000 minors were victims of crime in 2010, of which 1,700 were raped and murdered (we surpassed even South Africa in this number). This means that every day 4-5 children are killed in Russia.

    In 2010 in Russia there were 9500 sexual crimes against minors - 2600 of them were rapes, 3600 non-violent sexual intercourse (during 8 years sexual crimes increased almost 20 times).
    Only South Africa is ahead of us in these crimes.

    Drug addiction and alcoholism.
    30,000 Russians die annually from drug overdoses (population of a small town).

    Vodka kills 70,000 people a year.
    In Afghanistan during the war 14,000 of our soldiers died!

    According to the World Health Organisation 15 litres of pure alcohol are consumed per citizen of the Russian Federation each year and if the consumption of pure alcohol per person exceeds 8 litres then the survival of the nation is threatened.

    Bribery in Russia has increased tenfold, and the trials of our oligarchs in London have become a laughing stock for the international business community.

    Impunity in the legal sphere has escalated to the point where a criminal case has been brought against the lawyer Magnitsky who died in prison - that is, they have decided to try a dead man who cannot, of course, defend himself!
    In Europe, the last time such an incident happened was in the 17th century, when Cromwell was dug out of his grave and hanged on the gallows - justice, so to speak!

    In Transparency International's annual corruption survey for 2011, Russia fell to 154th place out of 178 countries.
    We are next to Guinea-Bissau and Kenya.

    So in the light of these figures we can boldly talk about the decline of national morality, which in the end is the responsibility of our authorities.

    And now - did you know that:

    In the last 10 years 11,000 villages and 290 towns have disappeared in Siberia.
    The average density of Siberia and the Far East is 2 people per square kilometre.
    The average density of Central Russia is 46 people/square kilometre.
    Average population density in China - 140 pers. per sq. km.
    Average population density in Japan - 338 people/square kilometre.

    Who were we conquering and developing Siberia and the Kurils for?
    For the Chinese or Japanese, it turns out!

    For a country that is so rich in natural resources and water, it is shameful to have 50% of the population poor.

    These figures leave me dumbfounded.
    I hope it does for you too. I'm sure Putin knows all the facts - I wonder what he thinks about that?

    Tragically, I think that obviously this is not the limit, not the worst, we have not yet touched "the bottom", and the people are not yet mature enough to be horrified at themselves and finally have the courage to ask, "where do we live?"
    We have sniffed at the stench in doorways and toilets! We are used to people killing all around us. We are used to people in Russian towns and cities literally fighting for their lives.

    Anatoly Yermolin, a journalist who was born in Kushchevskaya, wrote: "If in Kushchevskaya not 12 people were killed all at once, but five murders of two people each, no one would even notice, as usually happens in our country.
    Who in Russia does not know that "Kushchevka" is not only in Krasnodar, it is everywhere in the country! That the thugs and tsapki are the real power, which you yourself elect as deputies in local assemblies! Everyone in their village knows who is "cool" - who has connections with the police and the prosecutor.

    The Kremlin only pretends to fight corruption by firing dozens of generals of the Interior Ministry, middle-ranking officials and governors.
    It generously replaces them with a "well-deserved vacation" in Dubai and the Cote d'Azur! Do the authorities really think they can put an end to corruption in this way? But, on the other hand, all over the country you elect a candidate to the local government who has "I am a thief" written on his forehead, and then you are surprised that the government is corrupt!

    And I wonder whether half the nation should die out and Russians should "shrink" to the Urals for the people to wake up (I repeat, the people, not a tiny group of thinking people!) and demand from the government not some nice comforting news and promises, but the truth, and above all, the recognition of how bad things are now!
    Remember: in 1941 came the catastrophe - Stalin was forced to do it. In 1956 the Bolsheviks felt that there was going to be retribution for decades of terror - and Khrushchev was forced to do it. And today Russia is approaching a demographic and moral catastrophe it has never experienced!

    This fact is due to many circumstances.
    The main of which is the irresponsible economic policy of the 90s, which collapsed on the people with feudal conscience, who never knew private property for land and capitalism, the people who in 70 years have lost forever the nascent, so barely budding, spirit of entrepreneurship.

    What to do?
    Well, the journalist Mikhail Berg writes in his blog: "We live in one country, but we have two peoples. A tiny bunch of thinkers who need more freedom and fair elections, and a huge "unprepared" mass of the Russian philistine. And between them is a chasm of fear, the strongest and most dangerous fear, and social mistrust... You can fight against the "party of crooks and thieves", you can blame the Russian bureaucrats' seed, which ruined the entire Russian history, but it is impossible to undo the fact that the majority of the Russian population has not changed in its fundamental characteristics for centuries!...".
    Sad as it may be, I have to agree with him. I would even add for myself - your oppressors are coming out of your own ranks!

    So I do not know what to do except to try to shake you up and make you feel terrible about yourselves.
    Yulia Latynina, for example, considers me not only a pessimist, but a "demotivator" - it seems to me that you can motivate a person when he is conscious and wants to save himself. And if he is faint or in a lethargic sleep? Sometimes the doctor slaps him on the cheeks to revive him.

    I know what I will hear in reply, I have heard it many times before, but I understand that if only a third of those reading and listening agreed with me now, RUSSIA WOULD BE A DIFFERENT COUNTRY.

    I am convinced that Russia needs a leader who has the courage of Peter the Great to tell people words they have not heard for a long time.
    This will be a bitter truth, for it is hard to admit that Russia cannot move forward because it does not want to understand how far it has fallen behind Europe in its civilisational development.

    I understand that the leader of a nation, a politician, has a huge burden of political responsibility and usually cannot speak freely.
    But today only a clear and inspirational, however ruthless, but lively and sincere word can be the occasion for a national awakening from feudal hibernation.

    Only by doing so, we can hope that the nation, with its instinctive wisdom, will understand and accept the hard and perhaps merciless path, which alone can pull our country out of the pit into which we have plunged.
    I do not know whether Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is capable of such a suicidal act. Is he capable of wielding a "broom of steel" and declaring that ALL are equal before the law? All without exception. If he can - he is destined for a place of honour in the Pantheon of Russian History. If not... I don't know...

    I'm Russian, I miss my homeland, but I "don't see" it!
    I don't see a country I want to be proud of. I see crowds of disgruntled, irritated faces and strangers who are afraid of each other!

    I want to be proud of my homeland and I am ashamed of it!
    When was the last time I was proud of my homeland? I don't remember! But I do know that the TRUTH about the condition of our nation, the TRUTH which was told out loud to the entire world, would have made me, and not only me, more proud than the victory of our hockey players at the Olympics.

And they say he doesn't live in Russia at all.
Inna Denisova - Я вообще не люблю слив эмоций на фейсбуке.... | Facebook
Inna Denisova - Я вообще не люблю слив эмоций на фейсбуке.... | Facebook
Я вообще не люблю слив эмоций на фейсбуке. Но сейчас напишу душераздирающий статус. Про место, в котором мы родились и живем, особенно хорошо понимаешь в государственных больницах. Если вашего родственника заберут в кардиореанимацию ( а они есть далеко не в каждой больнице), будьте готовы к тому, что - вас не пустят к нему, вы - разносчик...
And they say he doesn't live in Russia at all.

What difference does it make, really?


And what does that actually change?

It changes everything. For example, when one person says "guys, we're fucked" when he hasn't even been there (and we haven't been there, by the way), it doesn't seem fair.
It changes everything. For example, when one says in a pompous way like "guys - we're in the arse" and hasn't even climbed in there (and we haven't climbed out, by the way), it doesn't look fair.
unfair or wrong?
unfair or wrong?

I can't tell - you can't say bad words here (a red badge appears on the complaint) ....

It sucks. Everything sucks.


I can't express - you can't say bad words here (a red badge appears on the complaint) ...

It sucks. Everything sucks.

Sometimes you just see more from the outside...