Interesting and Humour - page 2041

A report by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service said that Umarov had called on associates to attack "satanic games" and also noted that Umarov's influence was growing. At the same time it stresses that the forces of Chechen separatists have been weakened by anti-terrorist raids of the Russian security services and experienced terrorists have been replaced with inadequately trained youths.

The article says that British intelligence services, and MI6 in particular, are now trying to counter this threat - in cooperation with their Russian counterparts at the FSB, which was interrupted in 2006 after the murder of Alexander Litvinenko and reinstated last November.

The Pentagon has also offered to collaborate with the Russians on Olympic security in the wake of two terrorist attacks in Volgograd on New Year's Eve. US defence chief Chuck Hagel said this in a telephone conversation with his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu

Terror chief dubbed Russia's Osama Bin Laden 'will target Britons at Olympics'
Terror chief dubbed Russia's Osama Bin Laden 'will target Britons at Olympics'
The document, drawn up by Canadian counterterrorism agencies and shared with British intelligence, says Doku Umarov poses the greatest terror threat for the Games at Sochi in southern Russia.
Sort out the avatars.
Упал сам: памятник В.Ленину на Украине вандалы не трогали
Упал сам: памятник В.Ленину на Украине вандалы не трогали
Упал сам: памятник В.Ленину на Украине вандалы не трогали. Украинская милиция завершила предварительную проверку о повреждении памятника В.
The year 2014 will be:

For thin women, the year of the nag.
For fat women, the year of the mare.
For men under 60, the year of the stallion.
For men after 60, the year of the gelding.
For small men, the year of the pony.
For tall people, the year of the Percheron.
For subordinates, the year of the heavyweight.
For bosses, the year of the mule.
For lyricists, the year of the Pegasus.
For physicists, a year of the spherical horse in a vacuum.
For travellers, the year of Przewalski's horse.
For lamers, the year of the Trojan horse.
For Africans, the year of the dark horse.
For the dentist, the year of the gift horse.
For the UR, the year of the stalled horse.
For the opposition - the year of the Bolivar that can't stand two.
For officials, deputies and oligarchs - the year of the Arabian horse.
For the people - the year of the carousel horse.

Another one has fallen . Odessa.


Cats have been lying around since last year


Another one has fallen . Odessa.

You're slow, though.

this one from Kotovsk, odessa region, fell down a month ago.

Listening to propagandists again?