Interesting and Humour - page 2042


You're slow, though.

This one from Kotovsk, Odessa region, went down a month ago.

Listening to propagandists again?

I'm glad you're keeping an eye on the fall.

Keep us informed


Indian kung fu :))


Will the Bank of England raise interest rates in 2014?

Will the anti-European fringe parties in Europe make big gains in the European Parliament elections?

Will Abenomics be able to raise Japan's core inflation rate to 2% by the end of 2014?

Will the era of commercial space tourism begin in 2014?
... and so I predict the first commercial flight in December 2014.

Who will win the World Cup?
... Brazil's lead with most bookmakers is just 3-1. The best betting opportunity with some bookmakers is Italy, and the odds are 28-1.

Will the price of oil drop below the $100 a barrel mark?
... The risks of a sharp rise in prices are more likely than the possibility of a significant drop.

Will China's economic growth fall below 7%?

Will Narendra Modi be India's next prime minister?

Will the plan to build a high-speed railway linking London, Leeds and Manchester be buried?
Alas, no.

Will Obama's health reform project go into a death spiral?
... Will it have more disruptions in 2014

Will Julian Assange and Edward Snowden continue to escape justice at the end of 2014?
Mr Assange appears to be a much less important figure when judged in terms of relevance to US intelligence. It is highly likely that he will hand himself over to justice in 2014, not least because he would otherwise have to remain a recluse for another eight years until his extradition warrant expires on the basis of existing restrictions. Mr Snowden is unlikely to leave Russia of his own accord for many years to come, if ever.

Will Scotland vote for independence in 2014?

Will the price of bitcoin fall below $50?

Составляем прогноз на 2014 год
Составляем прогноз на 2014 год
Газета Financial Times не занимается составлением гороскопов. Однако это не означает, что мы отказываемся от предсказаний относительно будущего. Как и в предыдущие годы, наши эксперты вновь вооружились магическими кристаллами и намерены дать ответы на самые главные вопросы 2014 года. Будь то определение победителя Первенства мира по футболу...

I don't know who their analyst is, but at least he is proficient in one subject :)

I bet anyone (anyone alone) on bitcoin that one bitcoin will be worth more than $50 by early 2015.


I don't know who their analyst is, but at least he is proficient in one subject :)

I bet anyone (anyone alone) on bitcoin that one bitcoin will be worth more than $50 by early 2015.

Smartypants )

I bet anyone (anyone alone) on bitcoin that one bitcoin will be worth more than $50 by early 2015.

So you want to buy a bitcoin option from someone else :)

you limit your losses to $50, with unlimited profits.

And the seller will make a maximum of $50, but a loss if anything....


I am willing to act as a 'third party'.

The disputants will give me 1 bit each for safekeeping, and at the end of the dispute I will give them to the winner. I'll retain 20% for safekeeping, fair as MC.



I am willing to act as a 'third party'.

The disputants will give me 1 bit each for safekeeping, and at the end of the dispute I will give them to the winner. I'll retain 20% for safekeeping, fair as MC



20% retention fee, fair as an MC

Not 20, but 5.
Don't you bastards) keep your mouth shut until someone decides to argue.