Interesting and Humour - page 1961


We need five diseases.

After diarrhoea, Schlatter's knee disease is second. He can't walk.

Osgood-Schlatter's disease, is the destruction of the core of the bone on the anterior surface of the knee, combined with the epiphysis of the head of the tibia

Try to post anything interesting that you've got before 9pm Moscow. The doll won't be here until 9pm (

The temporal lobe has five gyrus. In the posterior part of the superior temporal gyrus (in right-handed people on the left) is the sensory centre for speech (auditory speech analyser). The middle section of the superior temporal gyrus contains the nucleus of the auditory analyser.Also in the temporal lobe is the centre of smell and taste.

To remove on the Fig.


The temporal lobe has five gyrus. In the posterior part of the superior temporal gyrus (in right-handed people on the left) is the sensory centre for speech (auditory speech analyser). The middle section of the superior temporal gyrus contains the nucleus of the auditory analyser.Also in the temporal lobe is the centre of smell and taste.

Remove the damn thing.

You're evil.

Also suggest a lobotomy.

You could also take out his legs.


You're mean.

Offer a lobotomy while you're at it.

You can't do that. You have to leave something in your head.
You can't do that, you've got to keep something in your head.

The mouth can be sewn shut. Still not needed in p. 4 - Hydronephrosis. This kidney disease is characterised by a disruption in the outflow of urine from the kidney.

I wish he'd burst.

Now we have to do something about the heart.

soul aches.... And I want watermelon....
but whiskey would be fine, too.
I had a visit from the muse today.
Or maybe schizo.... who can tell...
soul aches.... And I want watermelon....
but whiskey would be fine, too.
I had a visit from the muse today.
Or maybe schizo.... who can tell...
Hi . Do you have snow down there in the south?