Interesting and Humour - page 1924


Forbes magazine :


Once again, the state is being cynical and uncaring towards its own citizens. While ordinary Russians are borrowing money at 80% interest, the government gives a $2.5 billion loan to Cyprus, where the money of the main beneficiaries of the government lies, at 2.5% interest. Six months later, Russia forgives Cuba a debt of $29 billion, which would be enough to cover the entire arrears of the country's citizens on consumer loans.

  1. The Olympics investors said they would not pay back the loans to VEB.
  2. There is not much cache in the Stabilization Fund, but it will be withdrawn soon too.
  3. Infrastructure projects: greetings from the late USSR.
  4. The taking away of funded pensions and restrictions on Internet commerce
  5. Disaster in consumer lending.
  6. Hidden unemployment becomes open unemployment
  7. Feeding entrepreneurs to the siloviki
KermlinRussia: калькулятор против Путина — 2, или почему cкоро будет нечего считать
KermlinRussia: калькулятор против Путина — 2, или почему cкоро будет нечего считать
Микроблогер подводит неутешительные итоги года. Почему у российского государства кончаются деньги?
Д.Медведев предложил превратить Сочи в игорную зону
Д.Медведев предложил превратить Сочи в игорную зону
Д.Медведев предложил превратить Сочи в игорную зону. Правительство России пытается придумать, как поддержать инвесторов, которые строили в Сочи олимпийские объекты.

Forbes magazine :


Once again the state is being cynical and uncaring of its own citizens in this situation. While ordinary Russians are borrowing money at 80% per annum, the government is lending $2,5 bn to Cyprus, where the money of the main beneficiaries of this very state lies, at 2,5% per annum. Six months later, Russia forgives Cuba its $29 billion debt, which would be enough to cover all the country's citizens' overdue consumer loans.

  1. Olympics investors say they won't pay back loans to VEB.
  2. There's not much cache in the Stabilization Fund, but it's about to be withdrawn too.
  3. Infrastructure projects: greetings from the late USSR.
  4. The taking away of funded pensions and restrictions on Internet commerce
  5. Disaster in consumer lending.
  6. Hidden unemployment becomes open unemployment
  7. Feeding entrepreneurs to the siloviki

And there's nothing to take from Cuba now, so it's just debt forgiveness out of desperation.

Otherwise, it's nothing new. Everybody knows everything and nobody is doing anything). Are we waiting for everything to go down the drain?

Not a bad idea, as long as it is done properly and not like those gambling zones where there is nothing).

unusual dishes for the new year...

"Other animals from the Red Book may also find their way onto the festive table. Hedgehogs, which are considered a delicacy in the traditional cuisine of several regions, are treated by chefs with particular cruelty. The thing is that hunters bring them alive, curled up in a prickly ball. This is how they end up in pots of boiling water.

at least they'd strangle you before cooking... or with a hammer on the crotch...

although on the other hand... I'd stick some yogis alive in the oven - they're disgusting...

Жестокие итальянские рестораторы ловят посетителей на живого ежа
Жестокие итальянские рестораторы ловят посетителей на живого ежа
  • Google+
В Италии набирает обороты скандал вокруг продажи в дорогих ресторанах мяса животных, охота на которых строго запрещена. В первую очередь речь идет о дельфинах. Но особо жестоким образом повара обходятся с ежами, которые считаются деликатесами: их вообще кидают в кипяток живыми.

although on the other hand... I'd stick some yogis alive in an oven - they can be nasty.

You're not alone here.))

Wait, wait... It's coming.

You'll get your nuts in a nutshell.


Why talk about bad things? Let's think about the good things - cats, for example, and how bad they feel in winter...


Why talk about bad things? Let's think about the good things - cats, for example, and how bad they feel in winter...

Yes, he will tell everything about cats and how bad they are.)))

Mana mana

Geez, why?

The fond memories of childhood will now be associated with such horror.