Interesting and Humour - page 1928


Shit, that's what our teacher told us back in school.

they've gone mad over there in the BBC, first the ep is patenting a rectangular device with rounded edges, now this, so the English are about to invent the wheel.

Lucky me.

It amused me: "Martin Howe, lead author of the study, says zebra stripes have long embarrassed evolutionary biologists, 'forcing a return to Darwin and Wallace's theories'."

I mean, Darwin's out of fashion now, but there's something to it, I take it.

Anyway, for what - maybe. How it came about, that's the question.

PS but in general. The air force works for developing countries. In their opinion, apparently - very developing countries (== totally tundra-fenced). Hence the level of pitch.



This pleased me: "Martin Howe, lead author of the study, says zebra stripes have long confounded evolutionary biologists, "forcing a return to Darwin and Wallace's theories."

I mean, Darwin's out of fashion now, but there's something to it, I take it.

Anyway, for what - maybe. How it came about is the question.

gpwr once wrote in the neurodrive thread that he was working on nets that recognize sticks at certain angles, such as linear filters that convert the input stream into encoded responses.

The deception of these meshes is what gives the illusion effect. Stripes of a zebra the most mutable part (each zebra has unique colouring), so it is natural that stripes of a zebra are built in such drawing which creates an illusion in eyes of predators.

IMHO, Darwin was wrong, not about evolution, but about evolution being inevitable. Evolution requires conditions. A necessary condition is a change in the environment slow enough for evolution to take place, but fast enough for it to be necessary.

Associate Professor Saveliev shed light on this point (he did not invent it, but he popularized it), saying that we evolved into Homo sapiens not because we left the succulent forest for the fields to dig roots, but because we lived in submerged areas with plenty of fish and other minnows, and after drying up (an ice age) we had to scratch our heads and do what now.

The same can be seen on the Fore. On the contrary, the market without external information always tries to decrease the fluctuations and fade out and only external changes make the market evolve in search of a new level of agreement. IMHO


Associate Professor Saveliev shed light on the matter (he did not invent it, but he popularised it) by stating that we evolved into Homo sapiens not because we left the succulent forest for the fields to dig roots, but because we lived in submerged areas with plenty of fish and other minnows, and after they dried up (the Ice Age) we had to scratch our heads and what shall we do now.

It seems naive. It can't be that it matters whether they lived on a river or a lake or wherever.

Poor Darwin!



Poor Darwin!

Nothing is true. ))
Nothing is true. ))
Come on. A provocative topic. You can declare that space doesn't exist, that there's a wall further away. Anything to stir up controversy. Or someone can't be bothered with Darwin's laurels.

IMHO Darwin was wrong, not about evolution but about evolution being inevitable. Evolution requires conditions. A necessary condition is a change in the environment slow enough for evolution to take place but fast enough for it to be necessary.


Looks like .

Элементы - новости науки: Подведены итоги эволюционного эксперимента длиной в 40 000 поколений
В ходе уникального эксперимента, длившегося более 20 лет, удалось детально проследить эволюционные изменения, происходившие в популяции кишечной палочки Escherichia coli в течение 40 000 поколений. До сих пор считалось, что с постоянной скоростью должны накапливаться нейтральные мутации, а не полезные, однако в эксперименте всё оказалось наоборот.
No way. It's a provocative topic. You could declare that cosmos doesn't exist, that there's a wall further away. Anything to stir up controversy. Or someone can't get enough of darwin's laurels.

I don't like the fact that I come from an ape... :(

I have normal parents, maybe Darwin didn't have any... Humor me. But here I disagree with him.


I don't like the fact that I come from an ape... :(

I have normal parents, maybe Darwin didn't have any... Humor me. But I don't agree with him there.

Relax! You came from cats.

No way. A provocative topic. You could declare that space doesn't exist, that there's a wall further away. Anything that activates the debate. Or someone can't be bothered with darwin's laurels.

No. On the contrary. I understand the phrase "Nothing is true" as a call to consider all possible options in as much detail as possible and to build a chain of causes and effects further. It is just that at this stage of research and knowledge of the world we are still far from the truth. And we will always be far away. )

The wall may be there somewhere, but the key question is, "What's behind that wall?" ))


Relax! You're descended from cats.

А... Right.