Interesting and Humour - page 3451


According to the results of the study of one of the Anliguanuan Unviertis, it is not clear in what way the beetroot in the salt is burned. The galleys should be on the grid, so that the beads are not on the grid. The masticated beads may be placed in a flat container, but the text can be read without any breaks. It is a peculiarity that we do not read every single book separately, but all of them together.


If you watch the cartoon "Beauty and the Beast" backwards, you get a story about a girl who married a handsome prince, then drove him with her love and turned him into a horrible monster, after all that she ran away to her father and lived happily ever after, reading books.


Vovochka got a mobile phone from his dad for his birthday.The next morning dad goes to work, tells Vovochka: "If you have any problems, call... At ten o'clock, Vovochka calls: "Daddy, the cat pooped in the living room! - Vovochka, you're a grown-up, get a broom and clean it up! At twelve o'clock he calls again: "Daddy, mum came with a man, they both locked themselves in the bedroom. I look through the keyhole - the man's taking off his trousers. Well, I'm not cleaning up after him!


Mike Tyson is back in the ring. They put the strongest boxer in the ring against him, but at the last moment it turns out that he got scared and he won't step into the ring. What to do? The audience is waiting, they need an opponent. They see a local butcher standing by the market. They say to him: "If you make it one round, you'll get 500 thousand greenbacks. He agrees. The fight starts. Tyson hits with a right, an uppercut, etc. The guy stands for the whole round. Everybody's in shock. They tell him, "Stand another round, you get a lemon... . He's got it. Everyone's terrified. They say, "If you get one more round, you get 3 million quid. Man: No, I can't do it anymore, I'll beat him up!!!


- Seema, what kind of name is Ichthyander?

- Ichteos means fish in Greek, andr means man...

- So all together it means Fishman?


- Your shortcomings? - Not talking.

- What are your strengths? - Not talkative.
The 24 Most Unfairly Beautiful Redheads You’ve Ever Seen
The 24 Most Unfairly Beautiful Redheads You’ve Ever Seen
There’s just something about redheads. Estimates place the global redhead population at somewhere between one and two percent of people. Which is too bad, considering redhead girls’ tendency to be beautiful. Maybe it’s because they’re so rare that they’re so alluring, or maybe it’s just because they look too...
Путин поручил кабмину подготовить план достижения темпов роста экономики РФ выше мировых
Путин поручил кабмину подготовить план достижения темпов роста экономики РФ выше мировых
Правительству, в частности, поручено до 30 мая 2017 года подготовить и утвердить комплексный план действий на 2017-2025 годы по достижению не позднее 2019-2020 годов темпов роста экономики России, превышающих темпы роста мировой экономики Фото Президент России Владимир Путин подписал перечень поручений по итогам Послания...
Nikolay Kositsin:
In this world, the main terrorist is the US, and all the other terrorist gangs are irregular units of the US and the global parasite.
so they're banned.
So they banned him.
They were right, if a man sees enemies everywhere ))
Американцы запатентовали «тихий» сверхзвуковой воздухозаборник
Американцы запатентовали «тихий» сверхзвуковой воздухозаборник
  • 2016.12.07
Американская компания Gulfstream Aerospace получила патент на новый сверхзвуковой воздухозаборник, который наравне с другими техническими решениями позволит снизить уровень шума самолета на сверхзвуковой скорости полета. Как пишет Aviation Week, конструкция нового воздухозаборника позволит снизить и его аэродинамическое сопротивление. Многие...