Interesting and Humour - page 1878

Уолтер Бисли – тема
саксофонист, композитор, продюсер, аранжировщик и вокалист, профессор музыки и преподаватель в "The Berklee School of Music". Является одним из самых продаваемых саксофонистов в мире.

Now they will heal.

Власти Уругвая полностью легализовали марихуану
Власти Уругвая полностью легализовали марихуану
  • 2013.12.12
  • Alex
Предыдущая статья Трейлер фильма Грань будущего

"...Russia will not have, and has never had, such haters, envious people, slanderers and even outright enemies as all these Slavic tribes... soon as Russia liberates them and Europe agrees to recognise them as liberated!

It will be especially gratifying for the freed Slavs to say and trumpet to the world that they are educated tribes, capable of the highest European culture, while Russia is a barbaric country, a dark northern colossus, not even of pure Slavic blood, the persecutor and hater of European civilization.

Of course, in a moment of any serious trouble they will all, without fail, turn to Russia for help. However much they will hate, gossip and slander us to Europe, flirting with it and assuring it in love, but they will always feel instinctively (certainly, in the moment of trouble, and not before), that Europe is natural enemy of their unity, was and always will be, and that if they exist in the world, it is because of the huge magnet - Russia, which irresistibly attracts them all to itself, and that holds back their integrity and unity.

Russia for a long time will have the longing and care to reconcile them, to bring them to reason and maybe even to draw the sword for them on occasion.

From the diary of F.M.Dostoevsky, September-December 1877, Ch.3.


Now they will heal.

Have another look here:

Note what the limits are in the Czech Republic since 2010. )



From the diary of F.M. Dostoevsky, September-December 1877, Ch.3.

Nothing has changed since then. Except for the wrapping.

Страны, в которых легализованы наркотики. Справка
Страны, в которых легализованы наркотики. Справка
Глобальная комиссия по наркотической политике, в состав которой, в том числе, входят бывшие и действующие высокопоставленные представители ООН, в июне 2011 года рекомендовала странам экспериментировать с правовым регулированием некоторых видов наркотиков, допустимых к возможной легализации, в целях борьбы с наркотрафиком. Ниже приводится...

"...Russia will not have, and has never had, such haters, envious people, slanderers and even outright enemies as all these Slavic tribes... soon as Russia liberates them and Europe agrees to recognise them as liberated!

It will be especially gratifying for the freed Slavs to say and trumpet to the world that they are educated tribes, capable of the highest European culture, while Russia is a barbaric country, a dark northern colossus, not even of pure Slavic blood, the persecutor and hater of European civilization.

Of course, in a moment of any serious trouble they will all, without fail, turn to Russia for help. However much they will hate, gossip and slander us to Europe, flirting with it and assuring it of love, but they will always feel instinctively (certainly, in the moment of trouble, and not before), that Europe is natural enemy of their unity, was and always will be, and that if they exist in the world, it is because of the huge magnet - Russia, which irresistibly attracts them all to itself and holds back their integrity and unity.

Russia for a long time will have the longing and concern to reconcile them, to bring them to reason and maybe even to draw the sword for them on occasion.

From the diary of F.M.Dostoevsky, September-December 1877, Ch.3.

You can't kill the truth over the years
You can't kill the truth over the years.
Truth cannot be killed at all.

Check also here:

Note what the limits are in the Czech Republic since 2010. )


Half measures are not for us.

Poppy's a pity. No more buns from my childhood.

Truth cannot be killed at all.

But over the years, Russia has exterminated Ukrainian culture as best it could.

The attitude towards the Ukrainian people is poured through zombie TV screens, and liars and hypocrites are on the contrary welcomed and promoted by the highest ranks of the state.

Ukraine already has enough of this kind of good, why else?

Саша Кольцова: Перепрошивка норм
Саша Кольцова: Перепрошивка норм
Я не впевнена, що ми маємо вступати в ЄС з економічних міркувань, але нам необхідний суспільний договір, аналогічний їхньому. Уявіть – найсвідоміші люди однієї країни, покоління за поколінням робили висновки – після воєн, голоду, зміни влади і т д і домовились одне з одним, не зважаючи на різні мови та національності – домовились не красти у...