Interesting and Humour - page 1872

And two half-litres of vodka... And, uh... if I may, a sausage.
The cat will take your tit away, you can't.
The cat's gonna take your tit away, you can't.
That's what I'm doing for him. I've had enough of a Snow Maiden with a half a bottle of cucumber...
Thank you, skewed...
Rabbits are not only valuable fur...
Rabbits are not only valuable fur...
They had frogs for lunch at the hotel today... I asked my wife if she wanted two girls. She didn't understand. I brought two fried frogs... No one understands my humor at all... I go alone...
They had frogs for lunch at the hotel today... I asked my wife if she wanted two girls. She didn't understand. I brought two fried frogs... No one understands my humor at all... I go alone...

Were they definitely girls?

Were they so "froggy"? Maybe frog legs?


No, definitely frogs ... about girls - I have a mate - he's a simple working man, and someone gave him water frogs for his birthday. When his wife nags him, he goes up to the tank and says, "oh, you girls... "ah, you're my darlings"... they pop up and kwa... kwa... Kwah... I have tears in my eyes...

Lesson for wives - don't nag your husbands.