Interesting and Humour - page 3432


Cubans who have moved to the US are mourning the death of Fidel Castro en masse.

Grief, what grief...

Igor Konyashin:

Cubans who have moved to the US are mourning the death of Fidel Castro en masse.

Grief, what grief....

I used to think that rejoicing over the death of a man was somehow unseemly, especially for a political leader who was supported by the overwhelming majority of the population.

But it turns out that I was wrong, we should rejoice.

I think that after Fidel's death you can go to the island and heartily kill those who live there. Rejoicing, of course, as in the name of freedom and democracy. And those who live on the island will begin to kill the newcomers, because they do not understand why they came to them from paradise and started to kill them. In general, there is a lot of fun ahead.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

I used to think that it was somehow unseemly to celebrate the death of a man, especially a political leader who was supported by the vast majority of the population.

And the last presidential elections in Cuba confirmed it :)

(6 months before his death, Gaddafi also thought he had the support of the majority).

Igor Konyashin:

And the last presidential election in Cuba confirmed this :)

(6 months before his death, Gaddafi also thought he had the majority support)

Gaddafi was right, but the majority that supported him got greedy and lost their instinct for self-preservation, not realizing that there are parasites in this world that are always on guard, just waiting for an excuse for an orange coup. A handful of scum, puppeteered by a global parasite and a local American parasite, overturn the national government and give up the national resources of the country, the zoological scum of humanity come to power and the majority of the population is told that this is their dermocratic choice.
Nikolay Kositsin:
Gaddafi had the right idea, but the majority that supported him got too greedy and lost their instinct for self-preservation, not realizing that there are parasites in this world that are always on guard, just waiting for a chance for an orange coup. A small bunch of scum, puppeteered by a global parasite and a local American parasite overturns the national government and gives up the national resources of the country, zoological scum of humanity come to power, and the majority of the population is explained that this is their dermocratic choice.

Nikolai, I always read your comments with interest, they are very non-trivial.... Usually, the average resident of 1/7th of the land has America and Israel to blame for all the troubles. But you have a different interpretation. Please explain for your picture of the world: global parasites - who are they? Freemasons, Illuminati, Reptiloids, Annunaki? Who represents them, who is affiliated with them, where do they have their headquarters in the end?


Listening to lectures by Trekhlebov/General Petrov/Zhdanov/Efimov - not suggested.

Join the world socialist revolution to overthrow the global parasites - not an option)

let the night of conspiracy!
Alexandr Saprykin:
As many people as there are opinions. I used to know a Chinese and a Korean. One was called Bruce Lee, the other Lee Bruce. The Korean immigrated to China because his life was better there. And the Chinese immigrated to Korea because it was better there. And then they both went to Russia because it's even better.

And the sample is unrepresentative ))))
I knew a Chinese guy, his name was Li Hu. He lived here, but then he moved back, taking offense because everyone often confused his name with his surname.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
I used to know a Chinese guy, his name was Li Hu. Lived here, then moved back out, offended because everyone often confused his name with his surname.
Poor guy....
Igor Konyashin:

Nikolai, I always read your comments with interest, they are very non-trivial.... Usually, the average resident of 1/7th of the land has America and Israel to blame for all the troubles. But you have a different interpretation. Please explain for your picture of the world: global parasites - who are they? Freemasons, Illuminati, Reptiloids, Annunaki? Who represents them, who is affiliated with them, where do they have their headquarters in the end?


Listen to lectures by Trekhlebov/General Petrov/Zhdanov/Efimov - not suggested.

Join the world socialist revolution to overthrow the global parasites - not an option)

Oh! Sir, the very specific nature of this topic touches on issues forbidden for discussion on this forum. By the way, General Petrov reveals the historical physiology of the global parasite quite nicely and quite lucidly. There is something about a global parasite in the modern sense (he is a global predictor) in lectures of Pyakin very lucidly.
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