Interesting and Humour - page 1818


Stupid Bandar-logs. All they want is to beat Lenin.

Before Lenin, Russia fed all of Europe with bread. There is still no full assessment of this mummy. Hitler is simply smoking in the sidelines.
In short, Pomeranian 2. Ukraine will go down in history along with France in terms of the number of "revolutions" per unit of time. But now the coloured ones.
They still have to try hard to catch up with the Kirghiz.
Before Lenin, Russia fed all of Europe with bread. There is still no full assessment of this mummy. Hitler is just a sideline smoker.
Well it's an exporter again now - first time since the 70s. So it's not all bad. It's true that 2010 was a major setback.
Looks like our head will be caught by pitchfork across the intermountain. He's stubborn.
Ukraine. Штурм Адміністрації президента / Demonstrants attack presidential headquarter.
Ukraine. Штурм Адміністрації президента / Demonstrants attack presidential headquarter.
01.12.2013 Штурм адміністрації президента на Банковій. Загони беркуту використали сльозоточивий газ та шумові гранати для того щоб зупинити людей. Багато осі...

Revolution everything

Opposition demands resignation of cabinet . They moved the protest vector last night. So they are sure that the people will agree.


Revolution everything

Opposition demands resignation of cabinet . They moved the protest vector last night. So they are sure that the people will agree.

I will never get an answer to this puzzle. Oh.
Депутат попросил ввести российские войска на Украину
Депутат попросил ввести российские войска на Украину
Депутат горсовета Севастополя Сергей Смольянинов призвал ввести российские войска на Украину. С такой просьбой он обратился к президенту РФ Владимиру Путину. Автор обращения заявил, что в настоящее время в республике «западными спецслужбами и их агентами инициирована попытка свержения законной власти».