Interesting and Humour - page 1819

Yeah, right.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, Russia, the US, Antarctica and the Martians will deploy their troops. And there will be the first intergalactic war for Ukraine.

Mischka used to perform in the circus on a motorbike...


Soon they will start sending everyone home.

МВД Украины подтвердило стягивание внутренних войск в Киев
МВД Украины подтвердило стягивание внутренних войск в Киев
Для обеспечения общественного порядка в Киеве, где проходят масштабные акции протеста, будут привлечены дополнительные силы. Такое распоряжение отдал министр внутренних дел Украины Виталий Захарченко. Военнослужащих внутренних войск стягивают в украинскую столицу из нескольких регионов.
Well, we are good at making a mess.

Yes, yes...

Space Year 2012: general analysis of launches


78 launches used:

- 29 CRs of Russian and Russian-Ukrainian manufacture (14 CRs of "Soyuz" type, 11 CRs of "Proton" type, 3 CRs of "Zenit" type, 1 CR of "Rokot" type). Two Proton LV failed to fulfil the mission because of Briz-M rocket booster failure, Luch-5V and Yamal-300K satellites were not injected into their orbits and were lost. Yamal-402" SC was not injected into intermediate geostationary orbit, but owing to use of its own propulsion system it managed to occupy the position in the target point of geostationary orbit.
- 19 Chinese-made boosters.
- 13 US boosters. Falcon 9 carrier rocket failed one of nine engines in active phase of flight of the first stage. Dragon" spacecraft was launched into low circumferential orbit and performed a mission to the ISS. This launch is considered partially unsuccessful because the ORBKOMM-2 communications satellite failed to reach the specified orbit and was unable to perform its functional tasks.
- 8 European launches.
- 2 Indian produced launches.
- 2 Japanese-produced launches.
- 3 Iranian CRs, 2 of them crashed.
- 2 North Korean boosters, 1 of them crashed.


НАСА попытается вырастить салат на Луне
НАСА попытается вырастить салат на Луне
НАСА отправляет на Луну семена репы, кресса и базилика. Данный эксперимент представляет собой первую попытку выращивания растений на другом естественном космическом объекте.