Interesting and Humour - page 1800


The whole truth about bloggers

How can you watch videos with NTV dubbing?


I can send it to you as a private message, but please don't post it.

You don't have to, we'll discuss it publicly later.

I did not find there an answer to a simple question: who exactly, when and how called Ukraine to the EU? Even the EU itself stresses that it is not calling Ukraine anywhere. And you are the only one dreaming of nothing.

Give me an answer to the question.


I did not find there an answer to a simple question: who exactly, when and how called Ukraine to the EU? Even the EU itself stresses that it is not calling Ukraine anywhere. And you are the only one dreaming of nothing.

Give me an answer to the question.

First to the EU
First to the EU.
I'll find the answer and post it, you'll get it.
I will find the answer and post it, you will make a fool of yourself.

You'll ruin the fun for those who are still thinking and those who will read it the day after tomorrow.

or you do not want to go to the EU so badly, you are "shaking" (c))


That solution with formulas in English, which I found, talks about equilibrium, if we assume that the thread and the ball in the left-hand beaker are weightless.

I'm thinking here.

Archimedes' law: a body submerged in a liquid has a buoyancy force equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the body.

That's where all the salt is. My opinion is that the scales will go to the right.

There is an ejection force acting on the ball. The same force acts on the beaker, but in the opposite direction.

The left bowl and the ball are connected and constitute a closed system.

The right bowl and the ball are an open system.

As the right ball is heavy, it will remain stationary and the right bowl will move downwards.

I think Contender was right in reasoning this way.

By the way, in English the description of the experiment is:

I stand corrected. This is a submarine pure and simple. I should have caught it, but missed the density of the area of the water displaced. That is the difference, and the scale does tilt to the right.

I took some students into the lab and ran this experiment.

A beaker with 400 mL of H2O weighed 612.8 grams.

A Ping Pong ball empty weighed 2.56 grams.

Ping Pong ball filled with sand and H2O weighed 60.5 grams.

Weight of the left side was 615.1 grams. (Empty ball held submerged by a string)

Weight of the right side was 646.2 grams. (weighted ball suspended by a string)


I did not find there an answer to a simple question: who exactly, when and how called Ukraine to the EU? Even the EU itself stresses that it is not calling Ukraine anywhere.


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Interesting and Humorous

Urain, 2013.11.23 13:45

Europe needs Ukraine more. Even European gays can get a hard-on for our women :)
