Interesting and Humour - page 1793

One of them is ugly ...

Which one is 'one'?


Which one is 'one'?

Well ... one of the two in the photo... can't they decide which one?

I wonder what the geese are shouting


Kaspirovsky was attacked by the gang, saying: "You're fooling the people, give it up. No money, he said. Found a suitcase full of dough... Take it back, he says, with malice. Shit on your heads.

They shit for a day, two, three... They run to Kaspirovsky, say sorry, take the money, but get rid of it...

He took the money, gave them a stern look, said: "Don't shit...

They don't shit for a day, another day, another day... they run to Alan Chumak, save them, take as much money as they need. He took the money, waved his hands, and said: - Everything will be OK, don't piss...

They don't piss the day....

Венесуэльский муниципалитет Кататумбо стал рекордсменом по количеству молний
Венесуэльский муниципалитет Кататумбо стал рекордсменом по количеству молний
Он внесен в Книгу рекордов Гиннеса, количество молний в нем - 250 в год на каждый квадратный километр
- I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I understood you correctly. Are you saying that the whole idea is that I'm slowly spreading my legs?
- That's exactly right.
- And I'm being videotaped the whole time by some men?
- Well, yeah... Well, it's standard procedure. We thought you knew how to do it. Honestly, it's kind of weird that it's embarrassing for you.
- Not embarrassing... Although... But here's another thing: you write that all this time my face remains unconcerned.
- Of course! Unconcerned! The spectator has to believe that for your character the whole procedure of... er... spreading his legs... is habitual!
- No moaning? Or, well, I don't know...
- God forbid! And by the way, there's no need to roll your eyes. Your lyrical hero has spread his legs countless times. He's been through enough. He's burnt out. He can't remember the last time he spread his legs for reasons other than money. And yet! The way he spreads his legs, no man in the world does! It's his talent! That's his superpower!
- You flatter me.
- Not at all.
- Okay... Let's say... I slowly spread my legs, and... wait. Backwards?
- That's the old script. The new idea is that you're being taken backwards. Two strong men. You can't see them, but you know they appreciate you. They value you. In some figurative way, they're even in love with you. You're their idol.
- They love you and then they spread my legs?
- Not by themselves. With a special technique. A very powerful technique. A great technique.
- Yes, I've seen that technique.
- It's great, isn't it?
- I still have one last question. Do you think, no, do you really believe that the average viewer will understand exactly what message this... ahem... video will convey?!
- Dear Van Damme, I beg you, leave all that trivia to the professionals.

(from) Alexander Pilishvili

tomorrow night will begin.

Rustam, aren't you in Kiev tomorrow?

Sent to the bathhouse on the four, that must be how they transfer everyone to the five boom study the five at least warned them).

Oh, and I'm there, waving=)