Interesting and Humour - page 1807

Well done, well done. Not like that ...

2 binary))g

1 inquisition

2 popes

3 Koreans



Oh, we have a petition written to Barakabamych by the unaffiliated, so that he would not give up and bring in troops )).

ZS: Sons of bitches, they will not let a man live in peace, go get a rag, they need a tool to wipe it down, one cannot do without a tool these days


2 pops

Where do I put the accent? Because all sorts of evil thoughts have already taken hold of the mind.

Oh, we have a petition written to Barakabamych by the unaffiliated, so that he would not give up and bring in troops )).

ZS: Sons of bitches, they will not let a man live in peace, go get a rag, they need a tool to wipe it down, one cannot do without a tool these days

Do you know how to play it? You need experience.
Where should I put the accent? Because all sorts of evil thoughts have taken hold of the mind.
I don't get it either, why he's got two butts

Oh, we have a petition to Barakabamych, especially the unaffiliated, not to abandon him and bring in troops))

SZS: bitches, they will not let a man live in peace, went to get a rag, they need a tool to wipe it down, no one can do without tools these days

I scrolled down the link, got 503, started digging and fell apart.

Interesting and humorous.

Янукович нарешті прокоментував розгін Євромайдану
Янукович нарешті прокоментував розгін Євромайдану
Президент України Віктор Янукович засудив силовий розгін Євромайдану.
Where should I put the accent? Because all sorts of evil thoughts have taken over the mind.
Pop had a dog, for chrissake.)

Went through the link and got 503, started digging further and fell down the pan

Both interesting and humorous.

The petition is here.
The petition is here.

I saw this petition the other day, but didn't pay much attention to it as I think it's pure PR bullshit, designed to limit (if necessary) the bombing of Kiev to fight Yanukovych's rule.

This petition is just in case, like it never hurts.

But the authorities' draining of Berkut is a blatant signal. If I were a Berkut member, I would have been on the Maidan with European armbands. Fuck such a government that is leaking its own people.