Interesting and Humour - page 1778


Artist - Tania Tavlla

They've put the server down.

500 Internal Server Error

Everything's down.

500 Internal Server Error




Did you leave your details with the spammers? :)

Wow, when I signed up it was 76 and now it's over 12K.

and that's in 10 to 15 minutes.

Also, people will come home from work after 18, today we can easily score a kilo.


I would say fundamentally wrong, not a little.

There's Klitschko (with a European-type party that has no oligarchs but only middle class).

There is Tyahnybok with his ideological fighters (I have seen these people, they will really die but will stand their ground).

There are people whose interests coincide with those listed above.

You are not paid by the oligarchs, and this is important. Because for all the money spent by our oligarchs on the rallies, we will have our pockets unscrewed for a long time afterwards.

Yeah, and we have Lenin, and the father of nations, Stalin. Long live the great Stalin! No oligarch will get him for sure, it's a pity they have all been buried or in a mausoleum for a long time now!

And seriously, all this is a childhood disease: to divide the world into black and white, into oligarchs and ideological freedom fighters. The world is woven of halftones. And with your Moidans you will continue to stray from fire into the abyss.


Is the Ukrainian shit-turds interesting or humorous? Maybe we should move the discussion to the English forum? That's where they want to go!


Are Ukrainian shit-teasers interesting or humourous?

it's shit humour