Interesting and Humour - page 1772


Here - found - here (text emphasis mine)

"I want there to be peace and quiet in our large Ukrainian family. Just as a father cannot leave his family without bread, I do not have the right to leave people to their fate with the problems that may arise if under the pressure we feel production will stop and millions of citizens will be thrown onto the streets."

This was yesterday when Putin met with the Pope


Father of the Fatherland (wikipedia) :

"Father of the Fatherland (Latin: Pater Patriae) is an ancient Roman title of honour bestowed by the Senate for distinguished services to the Republic or the Empire. Subsequently, in modern and contemporary times, such titles were also awarded by the representative authorities of many (mostly European) states."

"At different times and in different countries, the word 'Father' has been used in reference to a number of major statesmen - including:

Batsyaka batsyachny, yeah :)

Papa Americano - We No Speak Americano (Yolanda Be Cool & DCUP - Official Video parody)

A hedgehog burying

Ukraine goes to the EU and Yanukovych goes to hell.

Everything has already been decided...

Who decided? Or do you think everyone is just waiting with open arms for Ukraine to decide something there :)))?

Hedgehogs burying
Are hedgehogs Jewish?
Are hedgehogs Jewish?
Well... this... The cunning Jewish hedgehog...