Interesting and Humour - page 164

Elections are voluntary. If students were excused from classes on that day, but March 4 is Sunday.

Voluntary - yes. But polling stations on college campuses or where many dormitories are assigned, because of the risk of students not going home, run the risk of having the lowest turnout in these polling stations. That is why some measures are being taken by the city authorities. This cannot be considered an administrative resource, as there is no indication and control over who is voted for.

But it is cheaper for the budget not to disrupt the election because of non-appearance.


Voluntary - yes. But polling stations on college campuses or where many dormitories are assigned, because of the risk of students not going home, run the risk of having the lowest turnout in these polling stations. That is why some measures are being taken by the city authorities. This cannot be considered an administrative resource, as there is no indication and control over who is voted for.

But it is cheaper for the budget to ensure that elections are not disrupted by non-appearance.

Read between the lines "On 4 March there will be an election for President of Russia Vladimir Putin" :)
The issue is turnout. Many students live in dormitories and go home at weekends. And this paper concerns students from other towns. And no one cares who is going to vote for whom, and no one ever comes up with any kind of order for that. Because there is no way of controlling it due to the secrecy of the vote.

I only liked the first two lines) I am astonished at the impertinence, at the rate they are going, soon they will write an ad saying everyone should get a tattoo "I am for Putin" on their foreheads.

Shit, they're really kidding, Putin will bring back daylight saving time

There's an answer ) A superfluous figure of a man . That's Farnsworth (Sergei) from the fourth forum. He has never been here. He has never been here before.

The answer is wrong. I come here, ..... Sometimes.

To Lizar.

Nah, the man is flawed, just like the last 4 figures.

so, do i have to fight like 10 pages of this thread already? I'm perfect, write it down somewhere. Otherwise you'll forget.


The answer is wrong. I'm here, .... sometimes.

to Lizar

so, do i have to fight like 10 pages of this thread already? I'm perfect, write it down somewhere. You might forget.

Oops, I'm the one who's mad at you. The abyss of remorse is as deep as the Marianas Trench.
Oops, a browbeat, the devil is in the souza. The abyss of remorse is as deep as the Mariana Trench.
It's good to see you anyway.)
Good to see you anyway :o)
Likewise )