Interesting and Humour - page 1612


By Igor Kalashnikov


You underestimate the dog.

Sneaky cat in the bushes was talking to the fox about a kickback for distracting the dog from his work.

The cat's got you fooled.

No, no, no, no, don't make unsubstantiated slanderous accusations.

The cat must have been pooping. That's why he was rustling.

PS. "Once upon a time, there was a dog" uses documentary footage of secret negotiations dogs with the wolf!


But-but-but please don't make unsubstantiated slanderous accusations!

The cat must have been pooping. That's why it was rustling.

PS. "Once upon a time there was a dog" used documentary footage of secret negotiations dogs with the wolf!

I think the fox was rustling. A cat shitting in the bushes can't be mistaken for a dog. A human, on the other hand.

That's what the cat took advantage of, defiantly coming out of the bushes. And again, the dog was not believed. (


I think a fox rustled, a cat shitting in the bushes, a dog would not mistake it for anything. But a human would.

Which the cat took advantage of, defiantly coming out of the bushes. And again, the dog was not believed. (


"Once upon a time, there was a dog" is proof of the dog's cowardice.


The Vatican is recalling 6,000 commemorative coins issued in honour of Pope Francis. The quotation from the Gospel of Matthew minted on the edge of the flawed coins contains a misprint in the word "Jesus": the letter L is embedded in the word Jesus instead of the letter J. The resulting Lesus has become the subject of jokes on social media, the BBC reports.



"Once upon a time there was a dog" is proof of a dog's cowardice.

Ooh? what part?
Oooh ? where in the world ?
"was" dog....
Ooh? where?
colluded criminally?

I think Katya is to blame. She's the one who started this whole drug thing.

Who's the worst?


And yes, I'd like to see that horse, too.

Heh they took down my thread about 100 quid, wonder what the fate of my non-disinforming interlocutor is.... :-)