Interesting and Humour - page 1596


Won't you be frantic to keep her?

My neighbours got rid of their cows, and 10 years ago, when I first bought the land, there was a herd walking down the street to pasture.

If I keep everybody who's smarter and more useful than cats, I'll go nuts.
If I keep everyone who's smarter and more useful than cats, I'll go nuts.
Go ahead and get crazy. )))

My neighbours got rid of their cows,

How does the rest of the animals survive the winter then?

Somebody's hurting the cats here:

How does the rest of the wildlife overwinter then?

Which one?

Hedgehogs and foxes?

How do other animals spend the winter then?

The cat overwinters in the house, the dog in the doghouse, the chickens in the henhouse, the foxes in the den, the hedgehogs in the cherry and plum bushes.

Mice and rats spend the winter somewhere, too.


Totally forgot, sorry, butterflies winter in the basement.


PS. Although, butterflies are not animals.


Which one?

Hedgehogs and foxes?

Chickens, sheep, boar

Somebody's hurting the cats here:

You'll make squirrels out of you, on the poltas.
and scientists say that cats are some of the dumbest animals. it's just that people often mistake their stupidity for their proud character...)