Interesting and Humour - page 1329

As a child, a birthday is a favourite holiday and presents, presents, presents. As an adult, a birthday is a headache and spending, spending, spending.
A poster in the window of a flower shop: "Smoking and forgetting your wife's birthday is extremely dangerous to your health".
Thanks, folks :) nice to meet you.

<Louis Armstrong>.

With this song you made my day :)

The father-hunter killed the bear after all. He kept the meat, gave the skin to his wife, and his son got the circus bike.

Wife to husband:
I need so much money! For waxing, manicures, pedicures, make-up...
I'm lucky! I was born handsome...

I know women's favorite pose!
Which one???
The woman, standing and leaning slightly forward, picks out a diamond ring... the man from behind unzips his wallet.
And I know the most arousing pose for any man: wife with her back to me, leaning slightly over the cooker, frying Meat!!!

If you don't have hypertension, osteochondrosis, a car, a flat, furniture and alimony... then you are young and have everything ahead of you.

The hedgehog goes to the pharmacy, and there are two female pharmacist squirrels. He orders sternly:

I have ninety condoms.
Hee hee hee!

The world is ruled by a dick and a toad. The first knows everything, the second strangles everyone!