Interesting and Humour - page 1313

you know everything is in your hands, everything is in your hands...
" are some of the topics offered to 12-13 year old grammar school students in the early twentieth century:
The fading of our garden in autumn.
A river on a moonlit night.
The meeting of an army returning from a campaign.
A forest at its best.
A steamboat wharf.
Grandfather's garden.
Arrival of a train.

Here are the "Story Topics" for the lower grades:
What a bird saw in distant lands.
The story of building a house and raising a garden in it...
The giants and pygmies of the forest kingdom.

And here are the "Diverse Content Themes" for older grammar school students:
The word as a source of happiness.
Why is life compared to a journey?
Homeland and strangers.
About the transience of life.
What subjects make up Russia's wealth and why?
About the high dignity of the human word and writing.
About the fragility of happiness based solely on material wealth.
About the manifestation of the moral element in history.

What is the spiritual bond between ancestors and offspring based on?"

One hundred years after childhood

Power, sad as it sounds, is us. Let it displease some people. All officials come from the people, not from Mars. No, of course one could put forward the theory that they are all agents of the world government). The people get the power they want.

I take it: you either haven't read it or don't understand it.

"If any trouble can happen, it happens," is Murphy's Law

1. The neighbouring queue always moves faster. /Ettore's observation

2. If nothing else works, finally read the manual! /Axiom of Kahn and Orben/

3. You have to start your search from the most inopportune place. /The law of searching/

4. There is always not enough time to do a job properly, but there is time to redo it. /Mesquiman's Law/

5. Give a difficult task to a lazy employee - he will find an easier way. /Hlade's Law/

6. Those who like sausage and respect the law should not see both done. /The Sausage Principle/.

7. Teamwork is very important. It allows the blame to be shifted to someone else. /Fingale's eighth rule/.

8. You will always be short of either time or money. /The Lerman Inquiry/

9. The first 90% of your work takes 10% of your time and the last 10% takes the remaining 90% of your time. /Project deadline rule

10. Whenever you cut your nails, you will need them an hour later. /Whitten's Law/.

11. Come the need to knock on wood - you discover that the world is made up of aluminium and plastic. / Flagg's Law/.

12. All work is easy to the man who does not have to do it. / Holt's Law/.

13. He who can do it, does it. He who cannot - teaches. Addition of students: He who cannot teach - teaches how to teach. / J.B. Shaw's Law/.

14. Any order that can be misunderstood is misunderstood. /Army axiom/.

15. People agree to do a job of any difficulty when it is no longer necessary. / Zimmerga's Law of Voluntary Labour/.

16. An expert is anyone from outside our town. /Rule of Mars/.

17. Experience grows in direct proportion to the equipment taken out of service. /Horner's Postulate/

18. You can never do one thing alone. /Hardin's Law/

19. The most interesting exhibit doesn't have a nameplate. /Jones' law of zoos and museums/.

20. No talent can overcome a predilection for detail. / Levy's eighth law/.

21. The man who has one watch knows firmly what time it is. The man who has more than one watch is not sure of anything. / Segal's law/.

22. What you keep long enough, you can throw away. Once you throw something away, you will need it. / Richard's rule of interdependence/.

23. What you lose is always found in your last pocket. /Boob's Law/.

24. You can't tell in advance which side of a sandwich to butter. /Law of Nature's Wilfulness/.

25. A hot flask looks exactly the same as a cold one. /The first law of the laboratory.

26. Government corruption is always reported in the past tense. /Watergate principle.

27. The most moral are usually those who are furthest from solving problems. /The Alinsky Principle/.

28. Among economists, the real world is often considered a special case. /Hongren's observation/.

29. Nothing is done for reasonable reasons. /O'Brien's Law/.

30. For every action there is a counter-criticism equal to it. / Harrisson's Postulate/.

31. He who pays the least, complains the most. / Drew's law of professional practice.

32. It doesn't matter if someone goes wrong. Perhaps it looks good. / Scott's first law/.

33. An unbreakable toy is useful for breaking others with it. / Van Rooy's Law/.

34. All great discoveries are made by mistake. /Yang's Law/.

35. Whatever has happened to you has already happened to someone you know, only worse. / Meader's Law


I take it: you either haven't read it or don't understand it.

I have read and understood. It's just a thought out loud).
A man walks into a sex shop and says: "I want a beginner's guide." "Take the Kama Sutra." "No, I've read that. That's a manual for coming and I can't get started...

Do you know what it was like on the New York Stock Exchange when the dollar fell?

Oh... You just didn't see what was going on at the Odessa bazaar when the two dollars fell!



In 2009, Volodymyr Svitlichny (a graduate of Kharkiv National University) moved to Canada and (not immediately) took a job with the police.

What's the joke?