Interesting and Humour - page 1320



By the way, according to the formal testing rules I failed the test yesterday: I started eating sour cream and drinking milk after about 3-4 minutes, and I ate about half a spoonful. But that wasn't my first goal yesterday :)

So I didn't pass either, because, if memory serves, also after about 3-4 minutes (or maybe less) my eyes were already rolling up and watering my face profusely with tears, and every attempt to breathe a breath of fresh air was like an extra shot of chilli. )))

And I'm trying to write fairy tales in addition to advisers!

Here's one of them:

Once upon a time there was Uncle Mitya. And he had a little dog. She ate a lot, yapping quietly, and didn't run very well. And how the neighbours hated it.

So one day uncle Mitya decided to upgrade his bitch, screwing to the dog another mechanical leg and change her voice, so that more loudly barking!

And how it turned out, dear little ditties, we'll soon find out :D

A child's tale, or he drowned her.
A gynaecologist goes out after a day's work:
- Hy finally faces! ))))))
A gynaecologist goes out after a day's work:
- Hy finally faces! ))))))
What's so funny?
What's so funny?
You'll develop a complex soon enough. ))
What's so funny?
You have to be a gynaecologist to understand).
You have to be a gynaecologist to understand.)
Is this a gynaecologist forum?