Interesting and Humour - page 1248


In this version (with urine watering), it remains unclear why the fox would roll the hedgehog somewhere?

So it doesn't run off into the bushes. Or into some burrow. ))

In this version (with urine watering), it remains unclear why the fox would roll the hedgehog somewhere?

In the grass and bushes there is more chance of it curling up again

The police in Russia are being "counter-reformed".

In short, they want everything back). All that remains is to bring back the clock and it will turn out that Medvedev did only one thing during his presidency: he increased the line for deputies to 5 years and for the president (Putin) to 6 years).

A smoking table in a restaurant is like a peeing corner in a swimming pool.

Moscow students were given medals with the Serbian flag on them.

Where is he? I've been watching TV for two days now - nothing...

Chinese workers hold US manager hostage for fifth day

Американец Чарльз Старнс, председатель правления зарегистрированного в Пекине предприятия, с пятницы не может покинуть свой офис на территории завода. Несколько десятков рабочих посменно блокируют все выходы из помещения, не давая Старнсу покинуть офис, требуя погасить долги по зарплате.

Police are on the scene and say there is no crime going on. According to the police, it is a "labour dispute". Law enforcement authorities do not tolerate any aggression, but make no attempt to lift the "blockade". The labour inspectorate and trade unions have been involved in negotiations between Starnes and the workers over the past 24 hours.


After a recent fire at a central Russian Post warehouse in Moscow

It's no big deal... it's just "partial damage."


Moscow students were given medals with the Serbian flag on them.