Interesting and Humour - page 4892

"Petrakov-Gorbunov comes on stage, wants to say something, but hiccups. He starts vomiting. He leaves.
Prytykin comes out.
P r i t y k i n : Dear Petrakov-Gorbunov must report... (he vomits and runs away).
Makarov comes out.
M a k a r o w: Yegor... (Makarov vomits. He runs away.)
Serpukhov comes out.
Serpukhov: In order not to be... (he vomits, he runs away).
Kurova comes out.
Kurova: I would be... (she vomits, runs away).
A little girl comes out.
M a l l e n k a: Daddy asked me to tell you all, the theatre is closing. We all feel sick.
("An Unfortunate Performance", D. Kharms, 1934)

Right now, in the yard (under my window).

A little boy is walking from the supermarket, holding a coloured bag.
He lifts the bag above his head, waves it invitingly and walks towards another boy.

The other boy asks: "What have you got there?".
He replies: "Crab breadcrumbs."
The other boy says, "Can I have some?"
The other boy says: "I won't!"

The other boy hits the first one with the breadcrumbs with a stick, and the first one goes to the entrance to complain to his parents that he is being abused.


If I were a screenwriter or producer, I would make a drama (or horror film) with the title "Crab Sugar".
"The action is set in modern times ... he walked carefree, enjoying life ..."

they say things are about to change.
Denis Sartakov:
they say things are about to change.

things have already changed, look around you... Danya Milohin leads the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum..... Rogozin explains how Progress beat Nauka, and Savvateev discusses scientific problems with Danya Craster


Igor Makanu:

things have already changed, look around you... Danya Milohin leads the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum..... Rogozin explains how Progress beat Nauka, and Savvateev discusses scientific problems with Danya Craster


As this is a thematic page about interesting and humour, I can make my own humorous observations about what I watched. Mathematics has nothing to do with it.) Savvatev is cool and a funny guy.)

Look at the shape of the fire in the fireplace when asking Savvateev questions and immediately at the shape of the fire when the camera turns to him in response.

It feels like the questions are asked one way and the answers received are completely different. It's not a feeling, it's just the way it is). The abrupt change in the shape of the fire and the position of the firewood can't be hidden anywhere).

It's called inept modern technology of deception.

Similar technology works in the markets, but more sophisticated. You don't put a fireplace in front of a chart.)

Uladzimir Izerski:

Since this is a thematic page about interesting and humour, I can make my own humorous observations about what I've watched. Mathematics has nothing to do with it.) Savvateev is cool and a funny guy.)

Look at the shape of the fire in the fireplace when asking Savvateev questions and immediately at the shape of the fire when the camera turns to him in response.

It feels like the questions are asked one way and the answers received are completely different. It's not a feeling, it's just the way it is). The abrupt change in the shape of the fire and the position of the firewood can't be hidden anywhere).

It's called inept modern technology of deception.

Similar technology works in the markets, but more sophisticated. You don't put a fireplace in front of a chart.)

There's a phoenix on the news that's been shut down.
Vladimir Baskakov:
There's a phoenix in the news that's been shut down, another mmm.

I'll tell you in confidence that mathematicians often use a maths pheno, but try not to flaunt it as a phoenix.

Uladzimir Izerski:

I'll tell you in confidence that mathematicians often use a maths pheno, but try not to flaunt it as a phoenix.

Yeah, too bad you're not a mathematician at all.

Let me into the house. ssssssstsstsstsstsstsstsstsstssts!!!

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