Interesting and Humour - page 4895


This book has not been published by Cosmos.

Wikipedia has a page about the author, with a list of his publications and the places where they were published:

  • "Behind a Closed Door. Notes of a Venereologist, prefaceby B.N. Holtsov, Krasnaya Gazeta Publishing,1927. 2nd revised edition - 1927; 3rd revised edition - 1928, in the same year republished inDnepropetrovsk andRiga, then capital of independentLatvia. The book was translated into Estonian by Kõiv and published in 1929, in the independentEstonia, by theTallinn publisher J. Hendrickson. [1] It was banned in the USSR in 1930. It was republished in1991.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

This book has not been published by Cosmos.

Wikipedia has a page about the author, with a list of his publications and the places where they were published:

  • "Behind a Closed Door. Notes of a Venereologist, prefaceby B.N. Holtsov, Krasnaya Gazeta Publishing,1927. 2nd revised edition - 1927; 3rd revised edition - 1928, in the same year republished inDnepropetrovsk andRiga, then capital of independentLatvia. The book was translated into Estonian by Kõiv and published in 1929, in the independentEstonia, by theTallinn publisher J. Hendrickson. [1] It was banned in the USSR in 1930. It was republished in1991.

A publisher in Kharkov was printing in Dnipro. )
that's not what I meant.

why are there hands in the trade ? the broker is right...

«Яндекс» нашел в России села Ыба, Первый Содом и Усадьба Жадины
«Яндекс» нашел в России села Ыба, Первый Содом и Усадьба Жадины
Сервис «Яндекс.Карты» проанализировал названия около 160 тыс. населенных пунктов в России, некоторые из которых оказались необычными. Среди них Демонята, Личка, Чилино, Новый Карапуз и Малый Ужин
Китайцы купили крупнейшего в Британии производителя чипов и тут же вычеркнули США из числа клиентов
Китайцы купили крупнейшего в Британии производителя чипов и тут же вычеркнули США из числа клиентов
Гигантский британский чипмейкер Newport Wafer Fab перешел в собственность китайского контрактного производителя смартфонов Wingtech. Он купил его через свою голландскую «дочку». Сразу после завершения сделки Newport Wafer Fab без объяснения причин разорвала все контракты с американскими клиентами, в том числе и с компанией Ideal Semiconductor...
Valeriy Yastremskiy:
It's a normal kind of competition)

It's a normal sonation...they bought the company and shut down the unprofitable contracts.

That wafer fab somehow ended up on the verge of bankruptcy and selling out? that's exactly what those tails were cut off.

Only business, if the British management allowed themselves "political and friendly" contracts, then this is no time to play around :-)

Maxim Kuznetsov:

It's a normal sonation...they bought the company and shut down the unprofitable contracts.

That wafer fab somehow ended up on the verge of bankruptcy and selling out? that's exactly what those tails were cut off.

Only business, if in the British administration they allowed themselves "political and friendly" contracts, then they did not play around :-)

I don't know the backstory. But amid the lack of chips is a normal move) friendly))))

Maxim Kuznetsov:

It's a normal sonation...they bought the company and shut down the unprofitable contracts.

That wafer fab somehow ended up on the verge of bankruptcy and selling out? that's exactly what those tails were cut off.

Only business, if the British administration allowed themselves "political and friendly" contracts, then they did not play around here :-)

Firstly, why are the contracts "unprofitable"?

Secondly, where does the article say that the company was on the verge of bankruptcy and selling out?