Interesting and Humour - page 4718

Artyom Trishkin:

Man, that's why Jana, in a simple grey jumper, with no make-up, is a thousand times better than all the modern lip-skinned dolls...

The energy is off the charts. In half an hour, the guitar's a splash and a splash... And the lyrics are soul. Ehhh...

tried looking for non-lips and non-boobed singers, only naked men are found... I don't know, I'm inclined to go back to the usual lips-and-tits dolls ))))

text by T. Shevchenko "Kobzar"

Igor Makanu:

tried a search.

Nah, Igor, we don't need those signs for nothing. Let's go back to the classics!

Aleksei Stepanenko:

No, Igor, we don't need such signs for nothing. Let's go back to the classics!

T.Shevchenko is a classic, he used to be taught at school

Apparently in his time he had his own classics

Well then, I've been hooked on this bosomy one for 15 years now

I respect live concerts - the voice sounds different, not like in the video

Igor Makanu:

T.Shevchenko is a classic, he used to be taught in school

I guess I had my own classics in my time

Well, then I've had a crush on this busty-haired one for 15 years now

I respect live sound concerts - the voice sounds different, not like in the video

I looked it up. No energy at all (for me). None.

That's where the energy is:

Yes, the studio recording is more melodious, and live - well..., punk is punk, rock is rock...

ZS. We're not discussing the lyrics... :)

Artyom Trishkin:

I looked it up. No energy at all (for me). None at all.

That's where the energy is:

Yes, the studio recording is more melodic, but live - well... punk is punk, rock is rock...

ZS. We're not discussing the lyrics... :)

With energy everything is complicated, it depends on what you'd like to get

If after watching you're in a positive mood or clear in your thoughts, that's one thing.

if devastation and apathy is another

i recommend this video for positivity, no commentary on the video :)

Igor Makanu:

T.Shevchenko is a classic, he used to be taught in school

I guess I had my own classics in my time

Well, then I've had a crush on this busty-haired one for 15 years now

I respect live sound concerts - the voice sounds different, not like in the clip

Looked at it again. Well... pops are pops. Karaoke with dancers. We sing a song on a tape recorder with no soul...

That's the kind of evil rocker I am...

Igor Makanu:

energy is complicated, it depends on what you want to get

if you're in a positive mood or clear-headed, that's one thing.

if devastation and apathy is another

I recommend this video for positivity, comments on the video are not discussed :)

I don't know what to say... Well... the musicians of Bremen :)


Who asked for energy? Please:

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Who asked for energy? You're welcome:

Thank you, snooze :)