Interesting and Humour - page 4716

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Where do you get them?

I take everything from YouTube recommendations, apparently it (Google) has long since taken into account all my preferences - the main recommendations always include music, dancing girls, the people awesome channel and a couple of channels about life in China, as well as tensorflow with programming

I seldom use YouTube search, usually there is enough time to kill time in the recommended videos when I turn on the TV


About superiority, that's right. Yes, we are enlightened people of high moral character, brought up by the national classics. Guys, can you tell me where I can see a film adaptation of Alexei Nikolaevich's sensational 8th grade manuscript?

Igor Makanu:

Apparently it (google) has long since taken into account all my preferences - the top recommendations are always music, dancing girls

Google knows our brother well.

- How many men have you had?
- Three. Although, no, I remembered a funny one on New Year's Eve... Nine.
Denis Sartakov:

Denis, the anecdote has two fits. The first time I laughed for a long time when I thought the girl remembered several incidents at once. After a while I realised that there was only one incident. And then it hit me.

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Denis, the anecdote has two fits. The first time I laughed for a long time when I thought the girl remembered several incidents at once. After a while I realised that there was only one incident. And then it hit me.

:))) This confession is funnier than the joke itself. Thank you, I laughed heartily.

Alexey Viktorov:

:))) That confession is funnier than the joke itself. Thank you, I laughed heartily.

I shrugged my shoulders at that joke - it wasn't funny. It's just vulgar. No, I'm not a snob. I just like jokes.

Artyom Trishkin:

I shrugged it off.

Well, then listen.

A bull and a lion were sitting in a pub on the edge of the forest. They had a couple of litres of beer each. They're having a leisurely, friendly conversation, and the mobile phone rings. The lion picks up the phone: "Hello? Yes, darling, everything's fine. The bull and I just happened to run into each other. We came in for a minute for a glass of beer. No, why get drunk? Just a drink. To pick up the kids at day care? Yeah, I'll be right back. And the shop for the meat. All done, darling. I'm coming, I'm coming." She hangs up the phone and breathes out.

The bull looks up and says:

- I don't get it, Lyov. How is she talking to you? You're the king of beasts!

- Listen, Bull, it's your wife who has a cow, and I have a lioness!

Qiwi Group wants to sell Conscience, anyone interested in buying? :)
Aleksei Stepanenko:

Well, listen to this.

A bull and a lion were sitting in a pub on the edge of the forest. They've had a couple of litres of beer each. They're having a leisurely, friendly conversation, and the mobile phone rings. The lion picks up the phone: "Hello? Yes, darling, everything is fine. The bull and I just happened to run into each other. We came in for a minute for a glass of beer. No, why get drunk? Just a glass. To pick up the kids at day care? Yeah, I'll be right back. And the shop for the meat. All done, darling. I'm coming, I'm coming." She hangs up the phone and breathes out.

The bull looks up and says:

- I don't get it, Lyov. How is she talking to you? You're the king of beasts!

- Listen, Bull, your wife is a cow, and I have a lioness!

Yeah, thanks, that reminds me. That's a good one.