Interesting and Humour - page 3223

It's a great search engine, it helps out every day.
Sometimes someone will ask you something, I remember someone has already answered it and in pictures, and it's all found quickly, then the answer is "out of pocket". That's all.
But without a search engine it's impossible to find the answer - branches with posts go down, and you just can't find it without a search engine.

Yuri Evseenkov:

It's not getting any funnier.

"Putting it all back" is not going to work. It's not going to help this forum.
"Putting it all back" won't work. This forum is no help to Mishek anymore.

Well then, point the finger when it was fun. Did you really discuss hour-long performances on youtube. The other day you gave me a link to a thread where the original writer was active. It was all business. Like how best to sell Championship EAs to suckers.

Give me a link. Because I'm in the process of desacralising quad Atlantis and the times of championships.


How I missed your posts, Bolkonsky )

You, useful one, don't waste your time on my posts.

Personally, your presence doesn't bother me or euphoric in any way.

I read your posts "through and through", literally glancing through 1 in 10, and that's it.

I am just not interested in what you write. Not interested at all.

You amuse me only from a "psychological" point of view. It's interesting to me to watch all sorts of various sycophants start hanging around you (you just showed up, one already popped up, haven't written anything in a while). Your trolling is all right too, honed. It's especially amusing when compared to the inane and talentless trolling of your admirers. That's interesting for me to watch too.

So, Bear, keep on burning. For the enjoyment of the resource. I'm interested to see how quickly you get into a confrontation with the moderators and who bans your clone for how long.


Yuri Evseenkov:

Because I've gone through a process of desacralisation of the Atlantis quadruped and the times of the championships.

You're welcome.
Yuri Evseenkov:

Well then, point the finger when it was fun. Did you really discuss hour-long performances on youtube. The other day you gave me a link to a thread where the original writer was active. It was all business. Like how to better sell championship EAs to suckers.

Give me the link. I'm in the process of desacralising Atlantis and the times of championships.

Interesting ) You make up your own sacredness, then destroy it and complain about the process
Andrey F. Zelinsky:

You, useful one, don't waste your time on my posts.

Personally, your presence doesn't bother me or euphoric in any way.

I read your posts "through and through", literally glancing through 1 in 10, and that's it.

I am just not interested in what you write. Not interested at all.

You amuse me only from a "psychological" point of view. It's interesting to me to watch all sorts of various sycophants start hanging around you (you just showed up, one already popped up, haven't written anything in a while). Your trolling is all right too, honed. It's especially amusing when compared to the inane and talentless trolling of your admirers. That's interesting for me to watch too.

So, Bear, keep on burning. For the enjoyment of the resource. I'm interested to see how quickly you get into a confrontation with the moderators and who bans your clone for how long.

What I'm curious about is this. Can you explain, is that your rule too?Andrey F. Zelinsky: In any viable culture the rule is "what was yours is ours".
Interesting ) You make up your own sacredness, then destroy it and complain about the process.
I may have fantasized about it. Just elders are constantly talking among themselves, saying that the audience is not that bad, the forum is dying, remembering you, matemata, Privala ... And they say either good or nothing. For newcomers, like me they say in common phrases. Like nothing can help this forum. So I thought about sacredness.
It's nice to have peace and quiet.
No one is prying into your soul with a sharp stinger.
How nice to be with you when you're asleep,
Curled up like a snake under the blanket.
Yuri Evseenkov:
I may have fantasized about it. It's just that the old-timers are constantly talking among themselves, saying that the audience is not the same now, the forum is dying, they remember you, matemata, Privala... And they say either good or nothing. For newcomers, like me they say in common phrases. Like nothing can help this forum. That is why I have thought about sacredness.
Today, all the strategies, tactics, codes, and so on were examined and discussed. It was exciting. If there was a pause, I wanted people to sit up and not leave the pages of the forum. So I created this thread where people would sit and wait until someone would cry out "Eureka". ) Trying to repeat something is utopia and no one needs it, at least for me.